UK armed forces' personal data accessed in hack

How long did it take for them to get back to you?

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Week and a half all in. Iā€™m guessing they are quite busy, so thatā€™s maybe not so bad!

They did indeed - Iā€™ve reported it

Had a response within a couple of hours (separate to the autoresponse).

It was very generic, didnā€™t answer whether I had been affected or not, then requested information that I had already provided.

High hopesā€¦

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This one?

Thatā€™s what I initially got too. I just emailed to ask if they can confirm if Iā€™m affected or not, yet still got that.

I hoped by telling you the info they asked for you might get a better and quicker response :laughing: apparently notā€¦

Thatā€™s the one!

Never underestimate the ability of the bureaucratic machine to ignore common sense.


Soā€¦ whats the chances of rinsing a few pennies out the MOD with thisā€¦ seen a few group action suits spinning up.

Any legal begals got a view?

The guy who runs FYB also runs a claims company called Claims Bible. Theyā€™ve already stated taking names from people wanting to get involved with their suit.

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Alfie probably had an accident in his underwear (to be PG-13 safeā€¦) when he first heard about this.

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Why do they want a non-MOD email? Apart from anything else, thatā€™s another piece of personal data for them to loseā€¦

Ambulance chasing class actions like this donā€™t tend to get very far

I dunno people at work had a decent payout against our Federation and against the Government in a pension challenge (the government for changing it and the Fed for not effectively fighting it).