UAS/RPAS (‘Drones’) on squadron

Sadly, the timing isn’t under my control. The documents are with RAFAC HQ to publish. I had hoped it would’ve been 2-weeks ago… but sadly not.


I’ll expect it to land by November. Year unspecified.

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We will also, for the first time, have a national contact for RAFAC within the BMFA national staff. Details of this are within the IBN. It’s much better to work with partners who can bring expertise and experience, rather than ignoring them. IMHO.

A step in the right direction albeit it’s taken a bit of time.


That is a big win

Now can you come and have a word with my local park who have tried to ban kids from flying paper planes?

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I could have done with the new docs for the same reason last weekend up in the peaks; signal permitting! :laughing:

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We have new policy, people!

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Thanks for highlighting this. Can I please ask that everyone waits for the explanatory IBN (which should have been published at the same time) before utilising any of this policy. Whilst it has all been released, some of it is not usable at the moment, due to some internal approval of a SaaS product. We are getting there. Small steps, but all in the right direction.


There’s not exactly much there . . .

  • No RPAS OM
  • I’d love to know why drones are considered core activity and model flying isn’t
  • What sites do “we” have special dispensation to fly drones on?
  • I take it squadrons can now enter talks with local BMFA clubs to get cadets “flying” once they’ve told their RC etc.

The policy on it’s own is pretty useless without this, but as @Hercules has hinted at, this has come out a bit earlier than planned without the other information!

This is why the IBN needed to go out today with the document.

  1. The OM will be released once we get the SaaS to record flying in place. This is taking longer than we anticipated with MoD Sy. We have the funds for the SaaS but as ever, there is a process. It is well underway but that is chicken and egg I am afraid.

  2. Not my call, but I do agree with it. I am happy to explain the rationale if you want to email me.

  3. This is in the OM. Currently RAF Syerston and Little Rissington, as we will conduct CAA training there in the coming months, but that list will expand with the fullness of time.

  4. I would wait for the IBN. The team have done a lot of work with the BMFA and there is now a specific RAFAC contact who can facilitate membership and access to the BMFA and SAA as required. Email is in the IBN.

Sorry but one explains the release of the other.


I still seriously question the last para ref reporting all over flights. If I’m out walking with cadets and someone wizzes a drone past, am I seriously expected to report this per that last para, and what steps would I be expected to take?

Given the recent talk of people being over worked, I seriously question the usefulness of collected data related to something like this. Is it generating more work where not really needed? I fully get reporting any near misses though the normal process, but simple overflights where there was very low risks seems unnecessary.

And the ‘report to RAFAC Sy, via email’ isn’t exactly clear who I need to tell either!

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This is more a security matter and mirrors the direct requirements in the PME guidance. Nefarious use of drones is becoming more widespread and needs to be in our consciousness. It would be foolish for me to tell you what steps to take, as an adult and leader in the organisation I would trust you to make the correct judgement based on the situation. Whilst it may be obvious that it is not nefarious use, it is likely unlawful and we want to capture the data to allow us to make more informed decisions about that risk in the future.

Rest assured that we have worked to reduce the paperwork for RPAS use to the minimum, with investment in SaaS platforms and pre defined risk assessments. I want to make it simple and accessible without being a burden, but there are some things that we just cannot bat away without data to support our arguments.

There will be more on this when we release our videos in the autumn and we talk about our safety culture.


Fair enough.

I assume reporting then wants to be done via an SIR on Sharepoint, not an email, as that’s how Sy stuff is reported currently?

Actually by email was what has been requested. I will check.

I have in the past emailed WO Parton directly for immediate concerns, but guessing he doesn’t want loads of emails about this! Non-urgent Sy reporting I’ve always done here. Could just add an option for ‘is this RPAS related’ to that form, job done then!

Seems sensible. I will speak with him this week.

Who will make any discussions impossible if not ban it altogether.

Drone security incident reporting, through the MOD, asks more information on incident, not just that it was a drone. Size, speed, height, direction, drone description, etc.

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Please note… you inform them, not ask for permission. The IBN will explain. The team have worked really hard with the BMFA/SAA to make this easy for those who wish to do it.

I’m just sorry both didn’t get released at the same time.


I have checked and had a really quick reply. This will be changed to an SIR and they will add a Drone Incident drop down.

I’ll get the changes made later this week. Thanks for pointing this out.