Model Aircraft Flying

As a spin-off from the UAS/RPAS (‘Drones’) on squadron thread,

I’m now looking to get my cadets flying model aircraft.
I’ve met with the chairman and other members of the local club, and the BMFA and it all sounds quite positive. As it’s coming to the end of the model flying “season” now I’ve got time to get all my ducks in a row prior to flying next year when the weather is nice again.

My question is for those who’ve done RC flying before, what aircraft would you recommend?

The club members I’ve spoken to recommended the E-Flite Apprentice

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That’s good.

I was wondering, reading the policy, why we are limited to fixed wing a/c only for model aircraft?

There are some fun, low cost helicopter models out there (not drones).

@Hercules can you shed light on that part?

It’s a simple case of capacity. I haven’t managed to find time to do a full safety case for the helicopter element. More pressing matters at the moment.

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That is a perfectly sensible, rational and open/honest response. Just the sort of comms we want :grinning:

This is the type of thing I’ve seen used outside Cadets, for example in school stem clubs:

They come in different sizes, the one above would be for indoor flying.