I know that. I think most people know that. We agreed to protect their borders*, Russia included. It’s been ignored. So what is the point in another treaty or deal? They are not worth the paper they are written on. And if we’re not prepared to help when such treaties are broken, then again, they’re not worth anything.
*My wording is maybe bad. I mean protect as in keep defined. Don’t try and change them for any reason. Like an invasion…
I haven’t seen the details, because nothing seems to have been agreed, but it was reported that the proceeds would go into a fund jointly managed by Ukraine and the US to redevelop Ukraine.
That gives me the impression it was more about self-funding or at least partly covering the cost of future aid rather than extracting profit.
This was basically my understanding of it too. The absolute focus was ‘peace at any cost’, then when Ukraine obviously says no, they can make Zelensky look like the bad guy for saying no to peace.
Them joining the EU (which has a defence clause) has a better chance of success, but even then Fico and Orban will immediately reject the idea because they’re Putin’s Poodles.
The JEF seems like the best option for Ukraine to join for me, rather than NATO or the EU.
Due to its Northern European composition, I think every member would be on board with Ukraine joining and we could bring Ukraine under the UK’s nuclear umbrella (as we did for Sweden and Finland when negotiating NATO membership).
Precisely at the moment when Churchill is speaking to the Americans trying to get help.
The Americans refuse to help & are evasive & when Churchill mentioned the P60 aircraft the uk had purchased from the US, Kissinger said (in the film) they couldn’t be handed direct but the US could leave them at the Canadian border & the British could send a team of horses to push them across.
“we’ll leave them by the border and if we catch you crossing the border you’ll be arrested as an illegal alien suspected of smuggling fentanyl. You will then be extradited to Russia when they wish to imprison you for aiding Ukraine”.