Triple Soled Shoes with studs

Anyone know where you can get these from?

I know you can get them but where? I’ll dig out a pic.

Triple soled shoes?

Is one sole not enough?

It’s some DI thing in the RAF apparently. If it stops people complaining about my boots, I’m prepared to give it a go!

get a normal pair of shoes and speak to a cobbler in reasonable vicinity of a military base.

[quote=“merlin456” post=5388]Anyone know where you can get these from?

I know you can get them but where? I’ll dig out a pic.[/quote]


i’m willing to bet they will still moan regardless if they are drill boots or shoes!

I asked- yes you get normal leather soled Oxfords and the Cobbler builds the heel up and puts three soles on. You can also attach flat studs and toe and heel plates.

They are a QCS officer fad thing- but to my mind look the business, you do have to pay for all this work yourself as the RAF think it’s a very small penis thing to do (direct quote from SWO i asked)

I’m going to get mine done right now.

[quote=“asqncdr” post=5453]the RAF think it’s a very small penis thing to do

I’m going to get mine done right now.[/quote]
What done? An implant or soles on the shoes?

No the shoes, just put them in this afternoon, £40 bargain as they needed resoling anyway, the chap in Timpsons says it will save money on resoling as well so good drills allround.

I assumed that you already had it done Gunner?

No. I don’t tend to wear No.2 uniform very often.

My slippers are triple-soled with studs and plates, though.

[quote=“asqncdr” post=5471]No the shoes, just put them in this afternoon, £40 bargain as they needed resoling anyway, the chap in Timpsons says it will save money on resoling as well so good drills allround.[quote]

Cheers mucker… I thought about Timpsons, but thought “They will look at me funny and say why…?” I went today and gave them my shoes, studs and plates with a picture and he said. "We used to have the military contract, I still have the templates. I’ll get this done. £35. SCORE!

So triple soled shoes with Heel and toe plates, and 13 clover studs in each shoe.

Wilf_san, I asked the website you provided for a quote and they said £67, ummmm go swivel! Thanks for your help anyway.

wish I’d known that I would have bartered that down a bit, got mine back today and they look great, time now for Beeswaxing…

£35 is an absolute bargain!!!
They quoted me £30 just to resole my everyday-wear cowboy boots; and that was only a half sole job, not taking off the heel stack.

asqncdr: Post a pic when your finished! - I have a shoe/boot fetish :stuck_out_tongue:

Picture 1…

Photo 2…

Hahahaha they look like some kid of correctional footwear! If an ATC DI was mincing around in those I’d have to try very hard not to laugh.

Actually, on second thoughts, I’m not sure I’d bother trying.

I’m sure they will look great when they are bee’s waxed and polished.

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In which case they’ll look like really shiny correctional footwear.

Why? Seriously, why?

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