The UK's terrorism threat level has been upgraded from "substantial" to "severe"

There is an old thread from when it got reduced but it’s locked.

As title said, it’s now gone up again. Although we’re going back into lockdown, so any minor effects this would have made will be even smaller.

Wonder why.
Will have been raised on credible threat Intel and analysis.

Better not be pointless attacks on ransoms like in France.

Am sick to the back teeth of those #$#$

I presume if there was credible intel it would have jumped straight to critical? It’s probably just as a reaction to what’s happened on the continent.

It will almost certainly be because of the attacks on the continent.

A number of pols have tweeted (HoSec included) that it’s being done because of the France and Austria attacks, not because of specific int.

The working assumption being made is that if can happen there without the relevant authorities getting a whiff, it can happen here - and coordinated attacks are something of a hallmark of our bearded friends…

(And it’s ‘int’, not ‘intel’. We’re not Americans or some witless moron of a scriptwriter).

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I’ve literally only ever head intel or intelligence, never int on it’s own. Unless used as GEOINT or HUMINT etc. Int to me is short for internal, but I work in engineering, so that may be why :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:


SigInt, pepperint, spearint, Feel Good Int…

But yeah, no specific threat, just increased activity not too far away.

For 99.99% of the country there is no difference until critical. Even then there is little effect on much of the general public going about their lives.


[quote}Int to me is short for internal, but I work in engineering, so that may be why [/quote]

Obviously not Ex-BRITMIL then.


Was always Int O on an operational stn.

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The more you know! I’ve learned something new today.

Reviving old thread. Threat level has today gone back up to Severe, after being downgraded back in February.

Will always happen after an attack, until they are happy that there are no outstanding conspirators. I would expect if will go back down again in a week or so.

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not according to . . . Terrorism and national emergencies - GOV.UK

ahh but MI5 says it’s Severe. . .

It’s announced via the MI5 website now! :slight_smile:

lol I have to wonder the point of upgrading the threat level after the threat . . .

They may likely know a lot more then they are letting on.

Because any co-conspirators will need to carry out any further plans sooner rather than later. Once the first attack has taken place MI5 and SB will begin to unravel things fast.

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well yeah . . .

So we all pray.