The RAFAC in 2019

And, in my mind, you would be perfectly within your rights to not wear it.
You could wear sqn gear, you could wear rafac gear, you could wear neither or both.

But the point is that you’re making options available that cadets and cfavs can wear during cadets as civvie wear of they like, or out of cadets as civvie wear.

Sqn or hq, either way it’s an advertising opportunities and encourages us all to be proud of being in the air cadets.

I just see it as a waste of time and a mixed message, they missed their chance of having a. “Corps” Civilian clothing, that gap has already been filled by units having their own branding and its too late to go back.

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HQAC couldn’t do some embroided epaulets without subbing it to Cadet Direct. What makes you think they can do a full clothing range??

Where’s the mixed message?
I’m not saying units shouldn’t have their own branded polos etc. I’m simply drawing from what I see within scouts where you have a uniform, you probably have group branded hoodies etc, and casual scout branded kit available too.

It’s just about options and getting the brand out there and visible.

You raise a good point, and to be honest, no, I can’t see them organising a drill competition on a drill square without over complicating it. But I wanted to be optimistic, and just throw the idea out there.

I think it would be a good idea, both to the cadets and HQAC. But previous actions have coloured my view around clothing and uniform.
Another thing, who would be the ones to decide what to sell? Look at all of us here, we can’t even decide what colour a polo shirt should be!!


Well if we’re talking civvie clothing items, then it just needs a complementary colour palette with some or a contrasting colour/s for a logo etc.
Not tricky.

A central supply system has been in place for a certain region for nearly 4 years now and they take to do with all G4 matters

Looking like your getting that expansion. New range of t-shirt, baseball cap, water bottle and thermos flag plain RAFAC branded.

Awesome, water bottle is a nice enough design but it’s not exactly the highest quality bottle :joy:

Plus that design on the t-shirt isn’t exactly great.

The IACE one without the IACE logo would be nice

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And could do with some serious ironing!

Looks like the photo is taken at the bunker at RIAT…probably pulled straight out of the box and photographed!

Coming to a boot sale or jumble sale near you.

Who do they think will buy these things?

I was going to post a comparison between Scouts Shop Casual Clothes and this new cadet stuff
But I’m sorry . . . What da F is this!?

Who thought this miss-mash of poorly cut out photos was a good idea!?

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That looks horrendous and like something a 10 year old would come up with.

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@mprentice1 It’s the corporate image with no money behind it, where people are expected to buy the corporate look.
They need to understand the Air Cadets is not a football team or rock/pop band that has 100s of thousands of fans all willing to buy the latest look. It is a group of kids who will be in it for a few years and don’t really want corporate clothing if they have to buy it, for it to get to the back of a cupboard and be found a few years later and end up as I say at a jumble sale or boot sale.
I’ve never seen more than a handful of adults or youngsters in the Scouting organisation wearing much more than their normal garb, with perhaps the exception of a jamboree top, but only until it doesn’t fit.

A few weeks ago I was at coffee morning and on one the stalls was a prize every time ‘mugs with sweets in’ stall. On the table an Air Cadet 75 mug I did chuckle to myself.

They’ve been around for at least four years…

Who knew that Thor (second right) had been an Air Cadet as a kid…?

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Can go on that list of famous exaircadets we used to shout about…you know the one with Jim…


Guy on left wearing hard hat, well done that man; what about gloves :face_with_hand_over_mouth: