Who had pausing tents for march?
Not quite sure it’s a bingo, but certainly on the list of things I wasn’t expecting…
Pausing with Intent?
Leadership with intent?
What is a mark one tent anyway?
Think the mark one tent is a cave…
is the pun intended (or should that be intented)??
it does seem like a subtle way to canx RIAT if they can’t use the tents…
Nice they released that at 3pm on a Friday. If my event hadn’t been cancelled because of the rain i would have had 2 hours notice of a problem that I know was released earlier in the week.
Now, WTH am i going to do with 3 12x12s I can’t use?
The real beauty of the note is that even if we had one of these tents, I would have no idea. My tent recognition is clearly well below the required standard.
Is there an ultilearn course?
Sell the covers to the private market?
Respray them as Mk3?
No. It’s just guess work.
Why has it taken this long?
I got told, via a friend, on tuesday…
There is no way of telling as far as I can see. Especially not if there are 2 different Mk3 types and one is compliant and one isnt.
Yet another absolute joke of a situation, brought to you by Tony Keeling.
Coming soon to an ACTO 099 near you
Reading this, we all have no hope.
Not Tonys fault. This has come from MOD.
Canvas ones are a no go, PVC are what you need.
Ive got x2 12x12s and going to have to think of how to replace them.
Yeah, but at least someone in our chain should have translated this from MOD supply officer language to something approximating English.
Who’s going to have the knowledge to enforce it? The wing tent recognition officer?
The order isn’t. The fact it has taken 4 days to get to us, as an urgent safety announcement, is his fault.
Anyone got any replacement suggestions?
Just get the later versions? The canvases are usually cheaper than the poles in my experience, the poles are cross compatible.
Normally deploy out in an FT ex, and put a few 12x12s up in a barn for sleeping areas for the newbies.
Plus segregated male/female areas.
Now need a new plan…
But given no one seems to be able to identify which version is which, how can I go to a seller and know what I’m getting?