What’s the activity category?
Any logic or reason behind the higher level approval?
What makes OC Wing better placed to approve compared to the OC Sqn if it’s a LRtL activity that can be self approved iaw ACTO 10?
What’s the activity category?
Any logic or reason behind the higher level approval?
What makes OC Wing better placed to approve compared to the OC Sqn if it’s a LRtL activity that can be self approved iaw ACTO 10?
3 bar innit mate… they know best…
I don’t mind the extra check on this occasion - I spoke to the Wg Cdr who’s more than happy.
Perhaps it’s just a double check, maybe they’ve had a briefing we haven’t had, or it could just be it’s because it’s not under the normal time frames of SMS.
Really not fussed whether it’s self approved or Wing approved. I had serious concerns it wouldn’t go ahead at all because it was the date the pause is due to end.
Is it on this occasion, or are we reverting to a high workload for OC Wings / the Pillar Lead?
The beauty of self approved activity was you could do it 30 mins prior to the activity, time frames are only for where higher approval is required to give the approver time to review and approve.
I get this, I’m just concerned that the “new normal” is being pushed upon us and once again SW deviates from HQ policy and this increases work all round, rather than innovating and finding efficiencies.
Gotta justify the inevitable future ban somehow…
A a member of staff in SW just want to know are we up and running from 1 September. No comms, no decision, no leadership? Wing have gone silent and loads of activities awaiting approval which makes no sense as they are not ones that go to region. Is everyone on holiday?
Ah yes, a wonderful idea stamped out by the brainchild of micromanagement incarnate that decreed 2 weeks regardless so that self approved could still be checked.
All we can go on is the latest comms, which (that I’ve seen) was an email from the RC on 19th Aug
Start submitting applications from the 1st… So nothing can actually happen until a few weeks afterwards then?
No, we have submitted things now ready for the 1st that have been approved.
Are they wing or sqn based activities. DWW activities day has been given the go-ahead
Squadron. All approved, so if we get another ban it will have wasted time and energy and cause us more work to cancel and find a replacement.
Hopefull it will all go ahead for you, fingera crossed for you
And we are a go!
With a new staff member as icing on the cake.
Wing “Activities Day” planned for a few weeks time, email out last week confirming it’ll go ahead but more details by end of past week . . . Then radio silence.
SMS event not touched since June.
. . .
Yeah I’m not liking the chances that it’ll actually happen.
Surely it’ll just get self authorised at wing level on the morning of the event?! Certainly what happens here…
Unless its over 75 where in sw it needs to go to region…but oh well
Until an email came out from the WWO ref the drill competition that’s the first communication I had received, and one the other week from the wing training officer, i.e up to it’s expect level of communication.