The Beginning of the End - The Capitulation of SW Region

Yes. We cannot attend anything off squadron even families days.

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Oh. Explains a lot then.

Didn’t know if units were getting dispensation…


Nope. If they are that hasn’t been mentioned in either the SW online meeting or yesterdays. I know of units that have spent over £7k on an activity they won’t get back that aren’t given dispensation so I’d be mighty annoyed if attending a jolly at an RAF station was.

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Is that Sqn still viable? I dont know of Sqns with much more than that in the coffers?

I’m told it was a joint unit approached with up to 4 or 5 squadrons taking part, with 1 leading it. I don’t know about viability tbh.

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It would be interesting to see what happened if the lead Sqn/it’s CC sent the bill to HQAC/22Grp.

Action /consequence.

How much is small claims court these days?

Which do you think will clutter up more -small claims court or FOI requests?

As discussed in the Regional Town Hall, they are asking for either the RAF or the Treasury to foot the bill and for people to pass on bills for anything they can’t reclaim. I believe Wings and Regional Civcoms are loaning money to units so they aren’t immediately out of pocket and then will pay it back whenever it’s agreed where it will come from.

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Youve got a few units from LASER l, but nothing from SW

So if laser set up the sms and invited sw then game on?

Yep. Provided that region will take responsibility for anything that arises from it.

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So all the squadrons in sw need to be twinned with a sqn elsewhere and we go out to play (aside from the extra travel that is) :grinning:, just sanity, trying to find an acceptable escape route

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Does it matter - have you noticed a ‘better service’ from either when they aren’t busy?

I didn’t realise there were steps in place to address losses. Fair play.

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No, the steps are “we hope that the RAF or the Treasury will pay”. They did not say they had agreement.


Presume therefore no RAFAC units at the Benson Families’ Day either?

There shouldn’t be, but who knows.

Well, if I meet any I won’t tell :slight_smile:


Are any of the SCC from Fleet Air Arm /Naval Air Squadron sea cadet units?

Because then I think they become Royal Navy Air Cadets (RNAC) rather than RAFAC :grin:

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But will there be a large contingent of new air scout / air explorer units :wink: