The Beginning of the End - The Capitulation of SW Region

Yeap…always been a good event and a good thankyou

He will, he is a top man and will be equally disappointed for the cadets


It’s been very hot at Odiham in the past, no issues - plenty of fluids, work rest tables, shift swaps and a nice cool hanger to rest in

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No suspicion here on Odiham. Far better than the scale, remoteness of tasks, and length of exposure at RIAT.


A friend of mine and I were discussing the current situation in SWR (he is part of that region while I’m not), and from previous experience a unit I was a member of as a cadet (many moons ago) was closed as there was insufficient staff to run it effectively so we were forced to join another squadron quite a distance away to continue being cadets. Therefore at what point will SWR be closed and which of the neighbouring regions take responsibility for the wings, squadrons, CFAVs & cadets affected? Thereafter will the dominoes topple as the new super region becomes unable to administer itself so has to fold until we all end up as one region (at which point does that become part of HQAC?). All hypothetical and hugely unlikely to happen but has anybody else considered this “what if” especially at the higher echelons?

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All experienced Volunteer Managers are aware of the potential for “Volunteer Cascade failure” where you get a whole bunch of volunteers leaving at the same time.

The trouble is with the current conditions & the inability to recruit, the volunteer management knowledge is severely depleted residing in primarily E1 & E2 at WHQ who don’t have as much influence as they should.

Due to geography I can’t see this happened as it isn’t practical.

I could see SW Region HQ merged with their ACF equivalent to look after the cadet units from there - a sort of sub contract from HQAC.

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My understanding is it’s a shortage of CS personnel not volunteers and all the WHQs closed and merged into a Regional role structure.

Is there an ACF equivalent as the counties may not be the same cap badge? And are their admin procedures and policies interchangeable with ours, if not it wouldn’t actually help IMHO.

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Managers of volunteers, not managers who are volunteers :wink:


So. Let’s have a game of ‘Guess the Restart Date’…

April 25. Next FY.

One of the first things to come back should be the ‘community support’ events; put the public"s faith back into the Organisation…

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As @redowling says, April '25, but announced in June '25? Yes I am a cynical b! :laughing: :zipper_mouth_face:

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Better to guess what will happen first; whether SW restarts or I arrive back in the UK at the end of my 2 year contract

3rd Jan 2025, after its pushed back to after Christmas…

This will then be near immediatly recalled and the next reset planned for April 2025.

After that, the new AOC RAFAC (the one replacing the one replacing Ol’ Tone, as the original replacement, takes early retirement due realising its a basket of frogs) loses their poop and with blessing of CoC merges SW into LASER. Creating the first ‘super Region’.

This enables the consolidation of all Southern Region CS and all wing CS into one easily accesible hub located conveniently central for no-one, on the Slough trading estate.

Following this ‘successful’ trial, in Feb 2026 everything else will be merged into “Tup-North Region” as it lies above the Banbury gap…

Finally with all CS roles gapped, activities in limbo and cadet numbers hammered to a “strategically reduced” 25k, the Corps is integrated with the Air Scouts. With all C2 handled by their CoC.

On 5th Feb 2027 at Midday the Corps banner is ceremonially laid up with the final Sqn providing a static only ‘simulated march past’.


Someone’s got inside info…:rofl::rofl:


Seriously though, it will be interesting to hear the plan for this not happening again; the CS freeze isn’t going to thaw any time soon so what’s to say that we’re not going to be in this position later on?

There are loads of CFAV who have offered their services; are the powers that be going to take up the offer?

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CS appointments so CS fulfil - or else the unions will get involved as I understand it

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I guess it depends on the point made by @AlexCorbin that SW Rgn perm staff are probably doing things over and above the job description, that shouldn’t need to be left to PS. CFAV should be able to take on at least some of those responsibilities, should they wish to, with the right training.


This is the bit that irritates me, i get the pause because theres not enough CS…but there are elements where they are adding extra work, steps, policy outside of the national policy.

That is adding time and more work to an already lean team that is stretched.

But i wont go on a rant on ACC about how this woild save time, boost CFAV morale and generally improve the operational element of the region. If anyone wants to hear my opinions on this, reach out its literally what i do for a living.


@AlexCorbin is the stop order still in place for families day?
Seen a lot of SCC but very few RAFAC…

But I briefly went through dropping a car to MT.