Tayside Aviation Bust

The MOD like all government departments doesn’t have the skills to deal with outside contractors without getting its ants pulled down. It’s as try for FCCA getting a lightbulb changed as it is for acquiring a .22 rifle or a new fast jet, why would we think contracts like this would be any different?

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This is staggering yet somehow completely unsurprising.

Remember Airwork and the Tornado contract?

You’re all assuming Jim & Kate Watt did indeed falsify the records, and that this isn’t just an attempt by Tony Banks to recover a duff investment.

I’m not assuming anything either way, but there’s a lot of assumption going on in this thread.

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The aircraft engineers I’ve worked with have always been totally honest as anything untoward would put their licenses on the line.


reminded me of these stories

Haddon-Cave? Never heard of it

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Ejector seats as well.

Hadn’t found the numbersof ACPS for a while - this FoI suggests 190 (+ 20 not yet flown) for 2022.

The number of Air Cadet Pilot Scholarship placements awarded for calendar year 2022
was 190, of which 120 successfully flew solo.

Make the maths easy, say it was meant to be 200 ACPS per year.

Discounted cost of 12 flt hrs - £225(?) / hr x 12 = £2700.
Accommodation for 14(?) nights = (it was £375 full board for 5 nights), so make it £1000.
Admin = £300??

That’s a round figure of £4000 x 200 cadets = £800K.

So, dear Cadet Smiff, as you will age out before the RAFAC 2FTS process is restored, here is £4K - but you MUST use this at a UK CAA approved ATO for your flying. Crack on.

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Just imagine if you could go to a local flying school and not need to pay for accomodation :thinking:


Interesting push now to stop flying schools taking large deposits from students.

aviation industry have joined forces to demand stricter financial regulations for flight schools.

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Seems perfectly reasonable and fair.

Sounds like flight training has basically been operated as a kind of Ponzi scheme.


Let’s not forget that Tayside were being paid for 12 hours flying x 200 cadets per year.

How many of the 200 places were filled every year, and how many solo’s early before the full 12 hours?

It’s my guess that Tayside, like Accent and the MFTS, were being paid for a lot flying that never actually took place!


You can include hours not flown against adverse weather factors too - although a good 2FTS accountant would have looked at the trend over “x” years to work on an historical average.

Oh, wait… :man_facepalming: