STOP 🛑 Car Parking

With all due respect sir, and not telling you how to do your job but if you could nail this in the remainder of your tenure, im pretty confident the RAFAC would be set up for success. Like ive hinted at i do change management in multi million pound organisations for my day job and the way the organisation approaches it is nothing but frustrating, and no where near what one would call industry or best practice (probably the military way of doing things though) couple that with no clear communication strategy in the organisation it all comes across as knee jerk reactions…maybe this is the root cause of FOIs against the org? The collective We need to do the basic things better as change impacts everyone and everyone has a part to play.

Lets take parking for example it was delivered to the organisation as just stop it, as no part of that there was no scene setting, no reason for change it was just delivered to the volunteers as a simple no. To put it simply we dont communicate the reason and why for change properly to get buy in.

Albeit i have questioned for sometime on the morality of kids being used to marshall cars, but thats me and maybe rightly or wrongly, i just accepted it because weve done it for 40+ years

By the nature of the organisation not every one will be up for change but we arent helping ourselves in setting that change up for success and embedding the change.

The worst part of this is the reliance on this forum to suggest ideas and vent, because if you try and use the chain of command theres so much resistance and even instances of disciplinary action fot even suggesting change…and im 99.9% sure members of this org will back me up on that very bold statemeny. We need to really look at communication channels both upwards and downwards and really apply a RACI model against. Because its a series of empires layered on top of one another with no form of cohesion between them.

But alas, this org isnt my trainset.

Hopefully this post doesnt come across as wingey and moaney but ive tried to remain constructive, balanced and suggest bigger picture solutions rather than moaning that we cant do car parking anymore.

If you want to discuss further and unlike the majority of this forum i dont hide behind an alias so have nothing to hide or loose so drop me an email and im willing to engage, support and provide an insights to help drive this org forwards.



Several people have asked for the objective evidence-based processes as to why car marshalling is seen as dangerous, & just as importantly, what processes could be introduced so that the assessed risk can be brought down to what is seen as ALARP / acceptable.

Why is this not feasible please?



I’m just commenting to second everything you’ve said here. As you know, I’ve also been highly experienced in risk management and know what I’m seeing despite so-called assurance that a risk owner isn’t attempt to eliminate a risk rather than reduce it to ALARP.

The general theme that I find from Cab’s comments are that risk management in the civilian world isn’t conducted the right way, in his opinion.

What the comments do suggest is something many of us have stated on here over the past few years quite a number of times; senior leaders responsible for RAFAC, for whatever reason, forget that we’re SMEs in the civilian world. We know when we’re witnessing “male cow excrement”


You were warned earlier.


The Hollywood depiction of a highly decorated senior fighter pilot in the twilight of their career: Surviving against the odds flying suicide missions to prevent rogue states becoming nuclear-capable.

The reality: having to spend your Saturday evening bogged down on an internet forum in a to-do with naffed off volunteers about risk-assessing car parking duties, against the back drop of government cuts.

I don’t think this is going to inspire a script for another Top Gun sequel, unless maybe they get Ken Loach to direct it (“Top Gun III- I, Pete Mitchell” perhaps?)


9 posts were merged into an existing topic: Fundraising, Grants, and Donations

Might take you up on that offer Sir. It’s probably the only way I’ll get to an AEF this year!

I think you’ve somewhat missed the point.

The money is an issue for sure. But it’s the implementation, the lack of empathy, the knock on impact to reputation and relationships and if you’re in the south west, the fact you might have renegotiated a role with no car parking only for a week later to have to pull out completely. It’s the embarrassment that those making these decisions don’t have to deal with and never will, but foist upon the mere mortals having to enact their whims. That is why there are 430+ posts.



No OF 6 or 7 has to deal with local committees or do gooders hammering on at you when we have to pull out at no cause of our own.

Nor do they have to deal with the local reputational damage or long lasting bitterness that can result.

One day a do-gooder is the next a letter writting maniac…

Remember these people who run fetes etc are often highly ‘focused’ individuals.

Im sure the CoC would love the opportunity to engage with them all.

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But it isn’t going to change, so explain the reason (even as simple as policy change - don’t need to go in-depth) and say we do want to help, what other areas do you need assistance in.

Just because you can’t do car parking doesn’t mean you can’t still help at the event. See my earlier post about what we did to switch (although it was 2018 as staff we choose to stop car parking.

You’ve missed this bit for the SW:


It doesn’t. It stands for Air Cadets Paused!

It was never about the money for me.
What’s got my back up is the fact that we are now at a point, in this diminishing organisation, were one person can wake up and think, “That activity seems a little bit risky to me, I’d better pop into the office and ban it.”

No proper assessment, no consultation…just ban it.

Gone in the blink of an eye and the click of the fingers. Never coming back. That easy.

I will be less frustrated and critical when somebody in the senior management wakes up one day and, instead of adding to the banned list, does something tangible that will result in the return of the following;

  • Parachuting
  • Motor Gliders
  • Air Cadet Pilot Navigation Training Scheme
  • Air Cadet AEF Course
  • Air Operations Acquaintance Center
  • AEF progression through sorties 1-6
  • Regional Aerospace Courses
  • BTEC in Aerospace Studies
  • Sir Michael Knight pilot scholarship
  • Crab football
  • Paragliding
  • The LSW
  • Outdoors drone flying
  • Aircraft recognition
  • Nitex at local country park.
  • Assault courses
  • Microflight flying
  • Popular Flying Association Rallies - where cadets could get seriously close to aircraft by marshalling on the taxiways.
  • Staff drinking post activity
  • VA
  • Car marshalling

P.S. Don’t shoot the message with the above list, it was taken from It's Not What It Used To Be (Lost Activities)

12 posts were merged into an existing topic: It’s Not What It Used To Be (Lost Activities)

I do feel that the answer to this question weighs more heavily than it might appear…

If only because any route of alternative funding equally could be cancelled “tomorrow”…

Grants are great but having just annoyed the local community where the chances are someone from the event you messed around also sits on the board of Lion’s/Rotary/Mason’s doesn’t really sit well.

I know on a previous unit where we helped on a Christmas town event volunteers for that organisation were so impressed they our in a good word and the Rotary club offered us money…so hardly a stretch to suggest that the opposite could happen too.

My worry is if volunteer car parking a staple for many has been banned what is next for the chop? What keeps senior management awake a night…the “unknown unknown” is great…until it gecones known and banned.

Alternative funding sourcing? Yeah sure…but it will take 2-3 years of reputation damage fixing to sort out and maybe the same again to build the trust and to a level that sees the same funds coming in again…only to find out that volunteering at the town’s fireworks display working on the entry gate (or insert other event) is now not viable…

If these “alternatives” were easily topick up in the place of car parking chsncesare we’d already be doing it…i know our unit does a handful of different activities in the community already. We’re not turning away offers or invites to help out at events

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totally agree, beside being RAFAC I am member of a club that puts a small event on, at less than 4 days notice i had to advise them that the local RAFAC unit could no long do Car Parking/Traffic control, then followed for SW Region a total ban on activities away from unit (except national events) so a double wammy. Another youth organisation came to our rescue, and yes they will be asked to assist in next years event,

SW Region not able to participate due to “pause.” Terrible PR.

Anyway, no car marshalling by air cadets, but Sea Cadets get to help out.

Again, do we know if “helping out” included vehicle marshalling?

This is a valid stab at PR implications of the SW pause, but unless there was vehicle marshalling then it does nothing to add value or momentum to this conversation.

The ‘donations cascade’ thing is real - my Sqn pulled out of car parking for a major, local to us, agricultural event at two weeks notice. We lost £1500 for that day - as well as the engagement/recruitment stand, the free food and drinks, free admittance for 30+ cadets and their families (£80 for a family ticket…) and all the schmoozing - and guess what?

Local YFC have said of course we’ll put you in the draw for next year’s designated charity - but there are lots of strong contenders…. The actual meaning was 'NFC mate, you stuffed us all.

We’ve had about £6k off them in the last 6 years.

In terms of our community engagement, reputation etc… we’re in freefall.

This is my great concern. It’s not just the direct money gained from the events. It’s the local community exposure that is very badly hit. We used to have access to a good source of revenue within the County but this has been restricted by Wg Co pet projects. None have worked well! We are also a laughing stock locally within the youth groups. We can’t play because of CS who are probably all on their Summer holidays. When the call went out from RAF stations to support events because Air Cadets couldn’t surely this rang a bell with someone. These other units like scouts or sea cadets will just get priority visits over us and who can blame the stations. Feel like if the RAF want us put up or shut us down.


I can assure you that is not the case. Please use the Town Halls to raise your concerns. Better to do this face-to-face (albeit virtual). There are many competing challenges and we are working tirelessly to fix them whilst maintaining a safe environment for our cadets.