It's Not What It Used To Be (Lost Activities)

Add every activity to the list now if you’re in SW…


I know many people would be unwilling to do so given the lack of top-cover, but I wonder about some kind of “work-in”?

Take previously delivered activities and replicate them exactly, making the activities happen anyhow. If a critical mass of squadrons were to undertake such activities, HQ Region wouldn’t have the staffing capacity to fire you all.


They can probably fire you at the click of a button and if being vindictive trigger a safeguarding investigation, I mean look what happened to a member from here who had a BBQ.

Too many here rely on an Enhanced DBS for other employment outside the RAFAC, it just takes one anonymous phone call to Cranwell.

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Damned if you do, damned if you don’t….so what’s the point?

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I would love to see a return of the confidence course aka assault course


In fairness this is challenging as its no longer really used… i believe it was withdrawn from service in 2018 / 2019…

The minimi replacing it along with retained GPMGs.

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What do the ACF and JL use or it’s it all L98A2 now? (Thread drift I know).

Is that actually banned? Or is it just that the only way to get a staff qualification is to bed your local ACF Training Team?


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If memory serves me correctly RAF PT couldnt assure us doing it so poo pooed it

My course was conducted by regular Army PTI’s one of the toughest courses I’ve done.

A pretty poor excuse given it was one of activities that cadets loved…

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That and it was a service course, not like you were buying in a Civi Qual

Anyway this is descending into the lost activities thread and we already have a thread for that.


that’s banned?


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They don’t. Same situation as us. There was talk about issuing some L85s but I don’t think anything came of it.

IIRC the LSW and the minimi (and some other bits, 60mm mortar) went. LSWs replaced by the Sharpshooter operationally.

The LSW came in for a lot of criticism (possibly because it wasn’t the Bren / LMG that went before it) but some regulars and reservists said it was pretty effective, if used correctly.

Happy for someone to split the thread into ‘cadet fire team small arms’ for us fieldcraft geeks.

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I’m working on some bits for this and actually saw a doc from one of my team on it yesterday.

JL use L98 only. ACF use L85 to simulate fire support if its really needed. I know some regulars use GPMG with the ACF if its available as well.


We did an assault course recently on a wing camp in May I believe.

R.I.P. Junior Leaders Course

For clarity’s sake, it’s definitely gone forever now?

My understanding is that the HQ leadership courses would be reviewed and likely merged in to another entity. Not sure anyone knows what that looks like yet and it may even keep the JL name.

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I’ll bet my bottom dollar it will be classroom based, less fun and cheap!