Staff Cadets and their Fuel

For a bike?..

Well you know, same road same rules, you need insurance for a car then you should have it for a bike.

Well, that’s just not the case. A motor vehicle requires insurance to be on the road, a bicycle does not. To continue the analogy for if we’d need it in cadets, you don’t need any extra insurance if you are cycling and working for something like Uber Eats etc. Therefore I’d infer that you don’t need it if claiming for RAFAC journeys. That’s why I was surprised when RB said they were asked for insurance, in reply to a post about a bike. I assume RB was talking about car insurance.

To be fair, the only people I’ve heard insure their bikes are people with like £3000 electronic mountain bikes

Since I understand that you if you have an accident with a cyclist you can claim off their home insurance does this mean that you could provide a copy of your home insurance when using a bicycle for RAFAC purposes.

Only if their home insurance covers them for cycling. Otherwise they need to foot the bill themselves.

Isn’t there a fund for people who have a road accident with uninsured peeps?

Uninsured motor vehicles and they are a nightmare to get money out of. They don’t cover you in an accident with a vehicle that doesn’t have a legal obligation of insurance.

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