Staff Cadets and their Fuel

As staff cadets are over the age of 18 the are fully in their legal right to drive their own vehicle.

Transporting of cadets under 18 as part of a RAFAC travel plan is not permitted by staff cadets in their private vehicles.

However there is nothing stopping a lift share between staff cadets all going to the same RAFAC event. Whilst people have free will the only influence RAFAC could use to reduce or discourage it would be pecuniary and not pay mileage.

Which also means that the trip becomes purely social & business insurance is probably not needed.

So, me and my mate who is also a staff cadet drive to an event and I have a crash which was my fault. My insurance company then say, you were driving to and RAFAC event thus you were under their rules which say no driving. And they don’t pay out. Because I actually called my insurance company about this back in the day and they said I couldn’t drive to and from any cadet event regardless of anything. So many things have changed.

Not sure on the situation in the CCF as I think school rules would take precedence & if they can claim mileage I suspect it would be at the full .45p per mile rate (albeit from the school rather than public funds).

How do you attend parade nights? There would be nothing to stop you driving to the unit & parking outside off site.

Surprised your insurance company were fully aware of air cadet regulations. Did you describe it as social club or claim it as a business?

I would be surprised if this was the response you would have got if you were joining the reserves (which you can do at 18).

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I said it was a Youth Club called the Air Cadets and I’d be business, which is probally what made them say no.

I used my thunder thighs to peddle my way there

I have just paid my staff cadet fuel for driving to a VGS and supervising cadets there when no other staff member was available.

I also have an under 18 cadet who drives to the squadron. I allow them to park in our compound (and do for any cadet driving themselves) on a first come, first served basis. It helps them feel included and part of the staff team and just seems sensible.


Many years ago (& I’m going back a few decades) there use to be a mileage rate for pedal bicycles of around 12p a mile.

I suspect it’s long gone but might be worth checking the regs as it’s obscure enough for it to be forgotten about & no one claiming it for years means there could still be an entitlement similar to how you could claim £1.50 a day on camp for incidental expenses.

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I claimed for pedal bike travel last year.

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It still exists, but cadets won’t be able to claim it.


Out of curiosity does HQAC still need you to have business insurance? :wink:

I wasn’t asked to produce any :laughing:

If I collect another CFAV on the way and they stand on the pegs can I claim another 3p/mile for having 1 pax on board? :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:


I’m not an accountant or part of payroll at HQAC, so you can try and claim whatever you like for all I care :wink:

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What about tandems? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Or one of those with the load carrier with 2 wheels on the front - think they are Dutch - could get a couple of extra passengers in there

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It sounds like you can claim for any mode of transportation other than the foot

What about roller skates :roller_skate:? Are they foot or wheels?

Deffo wheels :sweat_smile:

Oh yes, had a Acct Form in January this year, which I had to sign saying if I did, or did not, have business insurance.

Also said that I would have to produce evidence of my insurance to Wing HQ if requested. :man_shrugging:t2: