Squadron Websites


It hasn’t been updated for a long while.

It was created on a Mac by one of our CIs, and there’s no other way to edit it unless you have a Mac - which noone has.

We’re on the verge of binning it anyway - our FB and Twitter along with the Wing’s information on the squadron is more than enough.


And with a switch around of projects and the creation of a media project hopefully it will grow, possibly to social media as currently we have nothing else public. However coming second at RAD for media skills with no prep shows there is potential to do well.

As ever recommendations welcome. :cheer: On a side note, has anyone noticed attempts at their sites being hacked (obviously not very clever hack as it was trying to hack a Wordpress file on a Joomla installation. :ohmy: )

We are looking at redesigning our website as it isn’t up to scratch to what we want. We also haven’t updated it for ages. I have always wondered if we could have a standard layout for all Squadrons. Just to give us a consistency feel. I don’t knew where to start with websites but luckily I have a friend that does. When it is done I’ll post a link, for now ill pretend the current one doesn’t exist! :slight_smile:

[quote=“rifle” post=4633]
On a side note, has anyone noticed attempts at their sites being hacked (obviously not very clever hack as it was trying to hack a Wordpress file on a Joomla installation. :ohmy: )[/quote]
All the time, quite a few from the China area, although sometimes from the UK and US. Just remember to keep your installation up-to-date and try not to add any bad modules (wordpress in particular is bad for this)

While I can see the appeal of a standard layout, helping those Sqn’s without a website, I would hate to see if forced upon us, there are quite a few good websites coming through and it would be a shame to stamp out that creativity.

and also unit identity.
In our Wing Sqn pages (contact details, location, parade nights etc) are all uniform being the same format thus losing losing the character of the Sqn

this instead can be expressed in the Unit’s webpage. given the various locations units are found, north/south, inner city, rural/isolated locations the Sqn website is chance to customise the page to the “attraction” and interest factor for their catchment area

Don't forget to check out sqn.ac - banner on the right ;)


It’s a fair point, I wouldn’t want it forced on us. Especially if the standard one was a bit rubbish but it could help those with little or no knowledge to get started! :slight_smile:

Have you done ours yet? Or is your rubbish Mac still working on it? :lol:

Really would be beneficial for HQAC to setup a “Standard Theme” for Squadrons to adopt, I do hate how there is so much variation. Yes it is good to be individual, but not as much as this.

My own squadron’s website is www.2158atc.co.uk/ maintained on ModX.

My main worry if they setup a standard theme, is that its going to be forced upon us, with no choice to use our own.

How about standard addresses?

eg. 1234.aircadets.org or aircadets.org/1234

They could just redirect to squadrons’ existing websites, but would provide a more uniform way of accessing them.

I’d doubt they’d do that due to ‘administration costs’, plus what do they do for those squadrons without a website?

It’s not hard to set up a website these days, all you need is a WordPress/blogger/you favourite blog platform and they all offer free options. in this digital age a website is a very valuable recruitment tool.

I suppose if a squadron didn’t have a website then it would be easy enough to put up a quick static page with the Air Cadets logo, possibly a squadron crest and some contact information.

Or if squadrons didn’t have a website then their address needn’t be set up in the first place.

The simplest thing would probably be for every unit to have a standardised template populated by information held at HQAC (with pretty much just the stuff that Jacques has listed), which could then be replaced by a customised site if desired.

there’s already a standard format for those who choose sqn.ac :smiley:



oh and I still intend to look at making a ‘standard’ air cadet theme for wordpress, and maybe joomla!


Why not Drupal!

why not indeed!

Resurrecting this.

My Squadron needs a new website. I would ideally like one which is the same format as the corps website. Does anyone know anyone who can help me? I need like an idiots guide with a free template. (Massively on a beg here chaps.)

[quote=“Baldrick” post=12763]Resurrecting this.

My Squadron needs a new website. I would ideally like one which is the same format as the corps website. Does anyone know anyone who can help me? I need like an idiots guide with a free template. (Massively on a beg here chaps.)[/quote]

Quick question Baldrick - what exactly do you mean by “the same format”?