Sir Chris Hoy - RAFVT(T)?

All of these are yes/no/don’t know questions:

[quote]I am for the SNCO element of the ACO to transfer from ATC to RAF VRT

I feel that the transferring to RAF VRT will benefit the SNCO cadre

I feel that the cadets will benefit from the SNCO cadre being RAF VRT

I feel that the is a distinct division between current Raf regular and reserve SNCOs and ATC SNCO’s

I feel that with all Uniformed staff as VRT it will generate a better team

I feel that more development opportunities will open up to the SNCO cadre as a result of being RAF VRT[/quote]

…and a comments box.

Don’t shoot the messenger, just relaying what is in the survey.

[quote=“xab” post=17357]All of these are yes/no/don’t know questions:

[quote]I am for the SNCO element of the ACO to transfer from ATC to RAF VRT

I feel that the transferring to RAF VRT will benefit the SNCO cadre

I feel that the cadets will benefit from the SNCO cadre being RAF VRT

I feel that the is a distinct division between current Raf regular and reserve SNCOs and ATC SNCO’s

I feel that with all Uniformed staff as VRT it will generate a better team

I feel that more development opportunities will open up to the SNCO cadre as a result of being RAF VRT[/quote]

…and a comments box.

Don’t shoot the messenger, just relaying what is in the survey.[/quote]

intresting I haven’t seen this yet either… I must admit I really couldnt care either way to be honest I dont see how it will change what I can or cant do

I think it is more about the accountability side of it. Air Cdr Dawn said she found it strange there was no real military control over SNCO CFAVs.

Also, it might be better for some. VRT civil servants get extra time for cadets, SNCO civil servants do not.

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I feel that having the SNCO cadre in the VRT will be beneficial to everyone. There will (should?) be a degree of accountability under service law (on designated occasions such as Annual Camp) and the WO’s will (should?) get T&L’s. That is, if the VRT mirrors the RAF Reserve\RAuxAF.

It would make wokkaman a VERY happy boy! :lol:

As for the perceived ‘divide’, in my experience, that has come from the SNCO’s themselves. I personally don’t think any the less of them for being ACO and the only time I ‘look down’ on them is when they act like knobbers. Same as I ‘look down’ on VRT Officers who act in the same way.

Now, where’s those 252’s?..

I think the change will be a good move for everyone. Officers and SNCO’s will be under the same regs/rules, as in, SNCO’s won’t be looked at as a civvie in uniform. I think it will make the corps more professional in terms of staffing and maybe the move should have been made years ago.

I’ve split this thread from the Sir Chris Hoy thread.

Out of curiosity, can we make this questionnaire a vote on this forum. See how it slides?

I’ve seen the survey. I would have thought it a good idea to include some information about what going VRT would mean to SNCOs, otherwise you can’t really answer some of those questions properly.

Certainly one good benefit for me would be that I could claim2.5 weeks worth of Paid time off for cadet related activies/Training Course under the “RESERVE” banner that I currently cant under the present…Air Cadet banner…

However I believe we will definately need to tighten our “White TAB Rules which are still being totaly flouted…STILL”

I can still hear the Grp Cpt Lawlor comment that " SNCO ATC are in fact Civillians Impersonating RAF personell…" which make it sound vwry Walter Mitty and having spent 19yrs in the Military Service of the Queen I find this a rather annoying view.

However as previously stated VRT would add more more accountability.

Can anyone name any negatives to this?

well to the SNCOs needing to purchase the VRT Pins at least (and don’t tell me Wing will supply them, at best they’ll supply two pairs, but that is only good enough for shirt and jumper, what about Jacket, No3 uniform, No1/5 uniforms…

this could lead to a “shortage” of VRT pins…?

in terms of operationally no i cant think of a disadvantage

[can of worms]
given new VRTs now go through OASC would VRT SNCOs have to go through the equivalent course? [/can of worms]


Having next to no information on the proposal and what it would actually mean for us makes it extremely difficult for anyone to make a decision.

Wouldn’t that be a good thing?

Wouldn’t that be a good thing?[/quote]

Regional Selection - Yes

Having the CFAVs go to Cranwell for a weekend - not so great. Fair enough for those who wish to be officers.

I don’t think that the rank slides thing is much of an issue, NCOs don’t have to wear backed one so one/two sets would do for most uniforms.

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Wouldn’t that be a good thing?[/quote]

Regional Selection - Yes

Having the CFAVs go to Cranwell for a weekend - not so great. Fair enough for those who wish to be officers.[/quote]

Why is it fair enough for officers, but by your logiv ‘unfair’ for SNCOs?

It doesnt need to be exactly the same OASC filter, it could be tailored for SNCO (VRT) service, but if you dont want to be referred to as “civvied impersonating RAF personnel” then surely its resonable for SNCOs as well?

If both sets of CFAV were going into a mini-airforce rather than just the officers, would we not follow the rough process that the RAF has been following for decades? ie, only hofficers and haircrew go to OASC - everybody else gets in at a more local level. This can still happen even if SNCO ranks are started at Sgt in the ACO, so effectively there need be no significant change to the joining process.

We do need to do a better job of providing training for all newly-joined CFAVs though.

And was never seen again :whistle:[/quote]
Would you like a copy?[/quote]

Yes please.

Seeing as direct entrants to the RAF at Sgt go through OASC why shouldn’t direct entrants to RAFVR(T) service do the same?

Unless non-commissioned personnel would rather not go through OASC and prefer to go in at aircraftsman/aircraftswoman?

Wouldn’t that be a good thing?[/quote]


  1. it is another hoop to jump through
  2. does HQAC/RAF have the capacity to provide it?
  3. Can the regular SNCO course be cut-down for a VRT version?

personally if we wear the uniform i would rather it be done because we deserve it, not simply because we sat in a “interview board” passed some questions and spent a week training at Cranwell.
when compared to the regulars and what they achieve to be worthy it is a bit of a joke that other than the of flash or pip we wear effectively the same uniform and are mistaken as such, even if the process to wear the uniform is VASTLY different.

i am not suggesting a beasting of a training, but some form of “selection” would give the CFAV more credibility