Sir Chris Hoy - RAFVT(T)?

Just wondered if Sir Chris Hoy is RAFVR(T)??
The pic on the new staff recruitment leaflets seems to be missing VRT pins,seem to remember this caused a bit of uproar when the initial pics got released so just wondered if I had got it wrong.
Surely they wouldnt have used the wrong pic would they???

According to London Gazette he is RAFVR(T).



There are VR(T) pics on this image, if you squint admittedly.

So it seems we’ve abandoned the URL then?

I can’t help but think that if I weren’t already in, that poster probably wouldn’t grab my attention.
For a start I’d probably still be thinking “Who the **** is ‘Sir Chris’?”

Proud to say I was Gazetted at the same time as Sir Chris!

You’d think they’d photoshop his belt on straight…

He’s a Groupie - it’s what they do.

The poster gives the impression that you can make to Group Captain.

I recall seeing a picture in a recent issue of Air Cadet that showed a regional commandant as a Gp Cpt VRT. Can’t remember which region though.

Which is misleading as the reality is you (he) can join as Gp Capt! :slight_smile:

Not that I’ve got anything against the chap, but I’d have had a lot more respect for him if he’d just pitched up to join his local unit like the rest of us.
I’m not sure how taking a minor celebrity and making them an honorary Group Captain is supposed to inspire anyone.

[quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=16391]Not that I’ve got anything against the chap, but I’d have had a lot more respect for him if he’d just pitched up to join his local unit like the rest of us.
I’m not sure how taking a minor celebrity and making them an honorary Group Captain is supposed to inspire anyone.[/quote]

I Just hope he had his Wing Filter Interview, and then attended OASC followed by OIC as well as his officer senior course!!!

I recall seeing a picture in a recent issue of Air Cadet that showed a regional commandant as a Gp Cpt VRT. Can’t remember which region though.[/quote]

SW Region I think - any new Gp Capt appointments will be VR(T) I would imagine.

[quote=“themajor” post=16393][quote=“wdimagineer2b” post=16391]Not that I’ve got anything against the chap, but I’d have had a lot more respect for him if he’d just pitched up to join his local unit like the rest of us.
I’m not sure how taking a minor celebrity and making them an honorary Group Captain is supposed to inspire anyone.[/quote]

I Just hope he had his Wing Filter Interview, and then attended OASC followed by OIC as well as his officer senior course!!![/quote]

I recall something about him doing the Sqn Cdr’s Course??

Which part of “honorary” did you fail to understand?

It’s a problem across the whole spectrum in relation to celebrities taking on a cause. I think the best thing he can do currently is pitch up for ‘grip and grins’.

The concern I have is that he is far too busy to find out what the average sqn and cadet do, and if he did turn up somewhere he’d have the assorted ‘hangers on’ getting in the way and the smell of ‘fresh paint’ tainting the air. I see on the TV tonight they’ve got some millionaires living on benefits, while they will have done this and driven off in their sweet smelling, air conned, chauffeur driven seclusion, they may just be able to advocate and use their influence to affect change, philanthropically. Similarly if our honorary Gp Capt spent some time on average sqn (without the hangers on), and experiencing the day in day out life, he might then be able to use his influence within the corporate sector to get support across the Corps. I’ve read many accounts of celebrities supporting charities/causes, mucking in and being better able to support and advocate on their behalf. If our leaders haven’t thought about this, then what are they doing in the job.

Not bashing the bloke at all, but what’s the rationale behind making him a Groupie? What’s he expected to do that requires that level of clout?

Well, if i meet him more than once in the next 12 years he’ll be doing more than my regional commandant.

It’s just for show, like most honorary roles. It doesn’t really need a rank at all.

Was he ever an Air Cadet and if not, would it not have been better to have someone who had been?

[quote=“glass half empty 2” post=16420] It’s just for show, like most honorary roles. It doesn’t really need a rank at all.

Was he ever an Air Cadet and if not, would it not have been better to have someone who had been?[/quote]

As far as I can tell he was never an Air Cadet. There are certainly plenty of high achieving ex cadets about including; Linford Christie, Timothy Dalton, Robson Green, Rory Underwood, Dr Michael Foale (Astronaut), Neil Fox (Radio 1 DJ and Andy Wilson (international footballer) to name but a few.

At our ATC Sunday church service the Padre read a list of famous and high achieving ex air cadets. It was a long list.

Maybe they were all busy?