Sir Chris Hoy - RAFVT(T)?

[quote=“born middle aged” post=16437][quote=“glass half empty 2” post=16420] It’s just for show, like most honorary roles. It doesn’t really need a rank at all.

Was he ever an Air Cadet and if not, would it not have been better to have someone who had been?[/quote]

As far as I can tell he was never an Air Cadet. There are certainly plenty of high achieving ex cadets about including; Linford Christie, Timothy Dalton, Robson Green, Rory Underwood, Dr Michael Foale (Astronaut), Neil Fox (Radio 1 DJ and Andy Wilson (international footballer) to name but a few.

At our ATC Sunday church service the Padre read a list of famous and high achieving ex air cadets. It was a long list.

Maybe they were all busy?[/quote]

Maybe today’s young volunteers don’t know who they all are…
Maybe post-2012 Olympics, when the process of recruiting him started, he was in the eye of the public considerably.
Maybe (seeing as he’s in his late 30’s) they wanted someone who people could associate with

[quote=“Plt Off Prune” post=16440][quote=“born middle aged” post=16437][quote=“glass half empty 2” post=16420] It’s just for show, like most honorary roles. It doesn’t really need a rank at all.

Was he ever an Air Cadet and if not, would it not have been better to have someone who had been?[/quote]

As far as I can tell he was never an Air Cadet. There are certainly plenty of high achieving ex cadets about including; Linford Christie, Timothy Dalton, Robson Green, Rory Underwood, Dr Michael Foale (Astronaut), Neil Fox (Radio 1 DJ and Andy Wilson (international footballer) to name but a few.

At our ATC Sunday church service the Padre read a list of famous and high achieving ex air cadets. It was a long list.

Maybe they were all busy?[/quote]

Maybe today’s young volunteers don’t know who they all are…
Maybe post-2012 Olympics, when the process of recruiting him started, he was in the eye of the public considerably.
Maybe (seeing as he’s in his late 30’s) they wanted someone who people could associate with[/quote]

I’d think it was probably that cadets wouldn’t know who they are, even I had to google Andy Wilson.

I think thats a little unfair, Timothy Dalton wasnt a bad bond (and was alright in FLASH too). He’d have been alright!

Robson Green would appeal to cadets who enjoy fishing I suppose…

Not too sure about Fox though…

I reckon Group Captain Gary Numan would be worth a crack…

all of those names listed though are out of and have been out of the “celebrity spotlight” for some time…i dont mean to indicate they aren’t worthy…but for the average 13/14 yr old these are names from a time way before they were born so have little relevance as the plt Off said the 2012 effect has worked wonders for Chris and been adopted

When I spoke to Gary Numan about the ATC in 1989 (I was sitting in his Harvard at the time), he told me that he’d not enjoyed being a cadet.

When I spoke to Gary Numan about the ATC in 1989 (I was sitting in his Harvard at the time), he told me that he’d not enjoyed being a cadet.[/quote]

Hmmm. Perhaps not then.

Perhaps we could get Matthew Lewis (Neville Longbottom) involved.

at least Gary Numan had improved on landings by then - unlike landing on the A30 and crashing :ohmy:

Give it a couple of years now he’s retired and it’ll be “Chris who?” for our average 13/14 year old. We should maybe have a few ambassadors, I vote … Victoria Pendleton B) :stuck_out_tongue: just to keep a cycling theme or Fiona Bruce. Who cares if they’ve been cadets!!!

Could have tried to get Pippa Middleton… good for both the girls and the boys…!



He’s from Harry Potter, you may have heard of it but it’s probably too modern for you :wink:

I’ve heard of it Tim… I just don’t like it :wink:

Grope Captain Holly Willoughby :whistle:

Rather than give Timmyrah another opportunity to rib me I googled that one…
So rather than saying “who?” this time I’ll just say “What, her?”


He’s from Harry Potter, you may have heard of it but it’s probably too modern for you ;)[/quote]

and now playing “Towerblock” in Bluestone42

[quote=“Plt Off Prune” post=16440][quote=“born middle aged” post=16437][quote=“glass half empty 2” post=16420] It’s just for show, like most honorary roles. It doesn’t really need a rank at all.

Was he ever an Air Cadet and if not, would it not have been better to have someone who had been?[/quote]

As far as I can tell he was never an Air Cadet. There are certainly plenty of high achieving ex cadets about including; Linford Christie, Timothy Dalton, Robson Green, Rory Underwood, Dr Michael Foale (Astronaut), Neil Fox (Radio 1 DJ and Andy Wilson (international footballer) to name but a few.

At our ATC Sunday church service the Padre read a list of famous and high achieving ex air cadets. It was a long list.

Maybe they were all busy?[/quote]

Maybe today’s young volunteers don’t know who they all are…
Maybe post-2012 Olympics, when the process of recruiting him started, he was in the eye of the public considerably.
Maybe (seeing as he’s in his late 30’s) they wanted someone who people could associate with[/quote]

POP - I quite agree - most Young Volunteers won’t know who they are as I constantly get reminded when I make a reference (i.e. John Wayne) and get blank looks back (and I’m not THAT old).

All - I think it’s more about his personal achievement and his ability to be a good Role Model for a long time - ala Sir Stirling Moss. ‘Fashionable’ celeb Honorary VRT Officers can only be a bad thing.

That said Group Captain’s Emma Watson and Pippa Middleton have certain rings to them :wink:

Group Captain Michelle Keegan would also be more than welcome for a visit down to my squadron!

Timothy Dalton also played the baddie in Hot Fuzz, so a little more up-to-date!

Not sure if he’s done anything particularly noteworthy since though.