Shots at Trump

By total coincidence or scheduling genius, Movies4Men showed “In the line of fire” on Sunday Evening.

Not Clint Eastwood’s best but some of the parallels between Hollywood fantasy and reality made me chuckle.


I noticed that :rofl:

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The would-be assassin’s motive is clear to me, if not the authorities and media: usually disaffected young white men in small towns shoot up their own schools before either being shot or committing suicide. Pretty much routine and nothing out of the ordinary in the USA: every town has its potential school shooter.

This shooter wanted to do something original, which would also get half the people supporting his actions, and it would be written into history afterwards. Obviously supporting an assassination attempt on the president or presidential candidate gets you at least cancelled on social media or even fired from your job, so such feeling can be concealed by posting a humorous internet meme instead.

I don’t like any populist politician, but they have to be taken down either by the law courts or the ballot box. Otherwise our society reverts to a previous age of tribal barbarianism in the way it uses violence as a first resort to solve its problems.

The British forces use ‘Hun’s Head’ targets for both sniper training and high level shooting competitions, in order for marksmen to train for head shots: these targets are smaller than the Fig 12 half-target, and originally were hand-painted depictions of Great War-era Imperial German Army soldiers. Some examples are displayed in the museum of the Royal Engineers in Chatham.

A hit within the inner scoring ring on the modern target’s face is 5 points, and outside the ring but on target is 4 pts. So hitting the Hun’s ear might get you the latter score. Like the Fig 11 & 12 targets, the main colour of the modern Hun’s Head is orange… :thinking:

trouble is I am not sure who is supportive of his attempt (Kyle Gass aside having since apologised) or seen internet memes other than taking the mic about his supporters wearing a bandage…

or have i missed the point somewhere?

Plenty of people online in the US are sad that he missed and I bet there are plenty of people in bars saying the same thing. It’s just not what you say on CNN if you are a talking head as it will quite rightly get you cancelled.

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If we were taking this incident seriously we wouldn’t read or post memes out of respect of the man who did get shot dead at the rally, and the other two who were seriously injured…

Breaking News!!
Donald Trump was quoted saying the attempt on his life was a “humbling experience,” and that he “realises the consequences of political rhetoric,” and “if I am re-elected, I shall enact real measures to prevent guns from being in the hands of disaffected young men, and I shall strive to prevent our young people from being so disaffected, and heal the divisions within our society.”

…reported by no news agency ever. :roll_eyes:

We could all try posting such comments on various social and work internet platforms (maybe even this one?) and see where it gets us… after you, mate.

This is where we are at in these times of rule by populist elites… they get away with saying and doing pretty much what they want, and we the masses are subject to the restrictions imposed upon us. Hence why those who can get away with it are so popular: they are allowed to do what we are prevented from doing (‘hate’ speech, breaking Covid restrictions, financial corruption etc), and we vote for them given the chance. :thinking:

No wonder people get the governments they deserve. It’s what they really want: servitude they love being subjected to. A bit like being a CFAV, in some ways. :crazy_face:

deja vu?

BBC News - Donald Trump safe after gunshots ‘in his vicinity’ - campaign

Well it’s none of us, we need pew pews to try that :neutral_face:

He’s in the States, surely there’s always gunshots “in his vicinity”?

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From this I extrapolate two things:-

Trump will win the election

Timetravellers keep coming back to try & take him out.


Sounds like the Secret Service were on the ball, the guy at the front spotted a rifle barrel in the bushes and got some rounds down, caused the suspect to flee.



Story sounds far fetched. SS agent seeing a barrel sticking out of bushes! A barrel the thickness of your middle finger, at what distance! Shot at shooter, no hits, these guys are trained, by whom!!

If Trump was on the course, why wasn’t there more cover, checking out these areas.

Then they let him escape in his car, driving 45 mins before being stopped, even worse than UK cops. Where was the car parked! How from from the shooter’s nest!

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And why do they keep missing their target. Not that we should condone any type of assassination.

Which is what you have just done.

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Not really, dont put words in people’s mouths.

What would people say if someone took a shot at Harris or Biden?

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Reading the news reports only the secret service fired in the most recent one?

So why do the secret service keep missing their targets?


Lots of points to look at here.

Why did a seemingly “normal” citizen decide to have a pot at Trump?

If the media is correct, don’t think he had much (if any??) exposure to firearms.

Choice of AK-47 not the best - relatively inaccurate over about 200-300 yds? Add on the use of a 'scoped sight - not as easy as they show in all the “sniper” movies, far from it. Assessment of distance for elevation / wind correction?

If Trump was on “enhanced” security after the previous attempts, where was the security screening around the external areas of the golf course? That is a major failure for me.

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Probably the same, if not worse.

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