… breaking news.
Shots fired at Trump, he is hit on side of head and injured.
Alive and walked away but bloodied.
There will surely be violence, riots and reprisals after this.
Sure glad im not in US at the minute.
… breaking news.
Shots fired at Trump, he is hit on side of head and injured.
Alive and walked away but bloodied.
There will surely be violence, riots and reprisals after this.
Sure glad im not in US at the minute.
Clearly they need more good guys with guns, right? That’s apparently how you stop things like this…
Very glad to have returned back from the US yesterday. I was in Washington DC, which I imagine is going to get crazy in the coming days.
Trump appears incredibly lucky to be alive! Couple inches to the side and there’d be a very different news report.
Not even that.
Photos show his ear was defo hit.
Jeeeez… the right wing militias are gonna have a field day…
If you listen carefully to the video it aounds like the shooter got off 2 bursts, about 7 seconds apart. After the 2nd burst there is a single quieter shot. This followed by confirmation that “the shooter is down”.
Looks like it took about 20 seconds in all for a sniper to take them out. Meanwhile the shooter got off 15 to 20 rounds.
Trump is one lucky person today.
Really hope no one behind or to side took collateral fire.
This feels like we’re living in the backstory to a young adult fiction dystopia. In most dystopias, this is the sort of thing that justifies the “state of emergency” and the radical authoritarianism that then comes forth.
Obviously I hope the former president recovers and is as unharmed as possible, whatever we may think of him as individuals he is still a human being.
But between Jan 6th and all else that came before, now this, I’m genuinely worried for the US’s democracy… We are definitely living through the “events leading up to” section of a history book chapter.
Is it wrong that my first thought was this was all set up to rile up the militia folk?
It probably isn’t, but the way America is going I wouldn’t be surprised
Can you imagine the fall out if it were!
Yeah, I get what you’re saying. I’ve seen nothing to indicate false flag yet. I doubt we’ll get much more concrete info for a while, but in the meantime let’s try not to think too conspiratorially.
And remember…
You’ve been watching the latest series of The Boys, haven’t you?
No. I’ve almost finished the first series though.
Sadly looks like there were others hit and killed
When I saw ‘Civil War’ at the kinema earlier on this year, I said then that it was a documentary sent back from the future of later this year…
I have friends who are supporters of Twump and Voters of Biden. They pretty much have posted similar stuff about the timing of this and what it means when it comes to Twumps supporters, and what they are capable of.
The time it took for them to move him to somewhere safe (bullet proof car) was ridiculous after they said it was clear. Anyone else gets dragged and shoved in the car, Twump…let me get my shoes while possibly having his protectors still out in the line of fire. oh and lets wait to see the T-shirts of big strong Trump after he paused to make sure they got some iconic sho…sorry pics before they eventually got him moving mouthing ‘Fight Fight Fight’
I feel so sorry for my friends over there. A few of them said how quick our voting and resignation of not so dishy Rishi was before the new partaaaay took over.
Apart from posts on forums etc, we are all just cracking on with life as best as can be, yet people are still having debates/arguments over the 2020 election in the US still
As much as i despise Trump and the culture he has created in one of my favourite places…him dieing from this would have been the worst result. Not that id wish him dead.
It would stir up the violent far right so much i can see almost civil war like vibes, and his replacement would probably be even more extremist!
I’m not so sure. You would have some elements but Trump is very much a one person centred style of leadership.
If he passes away suddenly (he is in his 80s) then who would be able to replace him?
I don’t think there is any one on the right in America to crystallise around.
It would take a very stupid person to allow himself to be shot at in order to benefit from the subsequent publicity / uproar. Even shooting outdoors with a 'scoped precision long-barreled rifle (not an AR15 or similar) at 100 - 150 yds, aiming to wound at the periphery of a (moving) person wouldn’t come with a “get your money back” guarantee!
Equally, it would take a very stupid person to expose themselves as a target (unless they had a death wish of course!) by taking a pot at a Presidential candidate (& ex-President).
It did seem to take a “relatively” long time for the sniper(s) to locate / return fire. It’s not so easy with scoped rifles (limited field of view) to find a pop-up target.
You know we are talking about Trump right?
I don’t see that it matters, he was already running against a person who even their stronger supporters is pretty sure has Dementia. You might not agree with anything Trump says but do you really want Joe Biden who doesn’t seem to know where he is with his finger in the button?
I wonder if the Secret Service shouted “Donald Duck”