September 2022 Stop Order

It seems that 6FTS instructed all AEFs to cancel cadet flying next week (i.e. restart on Mon 26 Sep), which instruction reached AEFs during the course of yesterday, a Friday. This was based on an order from Comdt RAFC affecting all units under his command and lodger units at Cranwell but was extended to AEFs not at Cranwell.

There was then a rumour that the order had been ‘clarified’ as not applying to AEFs elsewhere, but I have not seen an email to confirm this. This means there’s some inconsistency as to which AEFs are flying - some had already cancelled all pilots so are unable to get them back in, given it’s now the weekend and Monday is a bank holiday.

Bottom line, check very carefully if due to fly AEF next week.

The question needs to be asked, is the RAF flying on Tuesday for training, if so, why are the AEF’s not flying then?

If our AEF is cancelled, well after the end of the national mourning period, I am going to be majorly annoyed.

Maybe the commandant would like to tell my 12 bidding cadets for 4 places why they can’t go for no obvious reason.


They have been all this past week, racing certainty that they will be on Tuesday.

Ours has been cancelled for middle of next week

The order from Cranwell was to pause flying during the period of Royal Mourning, which ends on 26th.

We’ve got cadets that are meant to be flying next weekend and so far been told it’s going ahead…

It may be. That’s why I said to check. The stop/start order has caused issues with some where pilots were stood down and not now available but others will be OK.

The order to resume AEF from the 20th was distributed late yesterday afternoon.

We (10) will be operating from the 21st.


It’s something the permanent staff don’t seem to get, the difference between us and employees is that as volunteers giving our time for free we expect to be told the why.


TBH, even as an employee I’d expect to be told why.

Basic leadership - suggest, request, demand.


Too many in cadets (both perm staff and other Cfav) believe “because I told you” is an acceptable why.


The old I’ve got more stripes than you syndrome.


Could you say why not 20th? Have any cadets missed out here?

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The Scouts’s operation was in place, 24hr notice to get it running, not sure we have anything similar

I see we’ve received comms from CAC, anyone actually able to open it or is it my computer failing to fire?

Can anyone else not open the latest (17.01 today) letter via email?

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Ah, you beat me to it!

It isn’t working on my mobile.

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Its on sharepoint too.

… Sqn dinners cancelled… how many units have lost hundreds if not thousands of pounds due to the shut down!


Seen now.

Definitely had a slight panic when I read your message though as we’ve got a Sqn dinner in a month or so and I thought there was another pause!

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