SD Cap with MTP?

Leading on from that, do English LL/DLs get an undress uniform like that?

Nope. That’s a standard issue smock alright.

I’ve never seen a LL in anything other than their blue tunic thing or smart civilian clothing.


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The last DL I dealt with was an retired Navy Captain so used to wear that Uniform all of the time.

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Our current is female so just wears the broach thing and civvies.

Our female one (the one before) used to wear the normal DL uniform but with a skirt and a female style hat.

All Lords Lieutenant can opt to wear MTP uniform at appropriate events. It’s in their dress regs


Ah interesting, I’ve only ever seen female LLs or DLs in civvies.

Technically female LLs are only supposed to wear civvies, but I imagine any ones who want a uniform just get a one tailored

I suspect that with may of them coming from Military backgrounds there will be more and more going down that route. (I think it should be updated so that they are equal).

I spoke to the LL of West Glamorgan during lockdown. There is not a uniform for female LLs, only male LL. They only get the broach.
They are pushing for a change in the rules to allow them to wear uniform.

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It would seem the Bristol LL ( is giving it a good go in wearing one!


Quite right too. I had no idea that wasn’t a thing. Ridiculous.

Our LL here has no military background and admitted he feels a bit of a chump in his very smart uniform - but then nobody expects good drill from a LL anyway!

No thank you. Posting photos of people on here with the sole intention of humiliating them isn’t on. If you want something done about it, email them and their wing warrant Officer.