Sash wearing

In the regs it states members of ACO are not to wear sash’s. Does this mean cross sash or waist sash

Who wears waist sashes?

I would intepret ‘No’ as meaning no to all types…

The modern British Army retains a scarlet sash for wear in certain orders of dress by sergeants and above serving in infantry regiments, over the right shoulder to the left hip. A similar crimson silk net sash is worn around the waist by officers of the Foot Guards in scarlet full dress and officers of line infantry in dark blue “Number 1” dress. The same practice is followed in some Commonwealth armies.

The operative word there being “Army”.

RAF waist sash. sSo what does the regs mean when it states members are not permitted to wear sash’s

Simply put DON’T WEAR A SASH!!!

is it really too difficult to understand not permitted to wear a sash means no sash’s wither it be leg, waists, chest or head sash’s don’t wear it!!!

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And here’s why:



Those are for Air Vice Marshalls and above. That rules you out.

So, why don’t they trust you chaps with sashes then?

Too many mince about, we don’t need any sash-aying as well.

can i just ask, in what situation would a youth group leader think it appropriate to wear whatever-the-hell-that-dreadfull-yellow-thing is?

moreover, what message about integrity is anyone wearing said tat giving out to their cadets, who - of course - will be wearing their bog standard, no gaudy- fluff, wedgewoods?

thirdly, can i ask, when this hugely important point about the everyday experiences of the cadets and their staff was being asked, was that Sqn’s year planner absolutely rammed full of interesting, challenging, worthwhile, enjoyable activities with all the transport, kit, people, skills, facilities and costs all sorted out and squared away?

I would postulate that AP1358C refers primarily to the wearing of a blue DI sash by the SNCO Cadre. There is no entitlement for ATC personnel to wear it, even as a QDI.

I can’t see that the regulations as they stand would refer to sashes pertaining to Air ranks within the RAF or other personnel in the British Army, Royal Navy, Royal Tahitian Sanitary Corps or the Imperial Mongolian Cadet Force.

Officers (and sometimes ORs) can be tasked to be Gentlemen Ushers (I’m sure I’ve seen female Officers acting in this role too). AP1358 Ch1 Para 130 refers. Under such circumstances, Air Force personnel do wear a blue waist sash in No1 dress. I can’t think of any practical reason (if the circumstances were fully appropriate) why members of the ACO, if so tasked, would not be provided with a waist sash. But this is way, way down the list of priorities and probabilities in the Air Cadet world (apparently this requires to be added-in as a caveat to any responses to the OP’s type of question)

Ok, enough of the NO NO NO ness.

Why do you ask in the first place?

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He’s been given one for Christmas.

On several occasions I have seen members of SNCO wearing the light blue shoulder sash


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I prefer a nice red sash.