RIAT 2022 and 2023


I’m surprised that noone has asked about the Report and the latest Heat Illnesses IBN on Teams VoP.

This issue has, in theory, been raised to HQAC by 22 Gp…

It’s not for me to chase HQ on this one, when they’ve been told what to do by a higher authority already!

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Ooooh, ordering some popcorn for when this one hits the FoI street.


Income from RAF Charitable Trust V the H&S of the personel

Every CFAV has a duty of care, so if anything that risks the health and safety of a Cadet OR A MEMBER OF STAFF then STOP. Whoever then shouts or gets all big headed and power crazy then they have no place in this organisation.

An Adult or cadet over 18?..could be seen as negligent if it all goes wrong and Press-on-itus is the cause.

Not necessarily needed, if they are acting within their skillset - a nurse prescriber, for example, who has done relevant PHEC training and maybe a minor injuries course should be able to hold their own with ease as a HCP, similarly a paramedic should be competent in all the relevant skills and has drug exemptions for things like IV pain relief, anti-emetics etc without senior support. Both especially if they have first aid experience as well, as that’s actually a very different kettle of fish.

(I’d need to check what the rules are on paramedics dishing out OTC non-parenteral meds like oral paracetamol, antihistamines etc - unless anyone else can advise?)

Obviously, they’d be better off having clinical support - a fresh pair of (qualified) eyes, if nothing else - but they should be able to cope.

College of Paramedics provides some with their membership, covers voluntary activities, Good Samaritan acts, and non-NHS paid work separate to their main employment where the registrant earns less than £5p/a. Cover up to £5mil, I think, and you also get the other benefits of CoP membership.

Separate to heat issues, a bridge closure in Lechlade will be causing major traffic diversions if travelling from the general north direction.

The road will need to remain closed throughout the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT), which starts on Friday 14 July. The county council has informed organisers of this closure and will work closely with them to make appropriate arrangements. This route is not included in the event’s traffic plans.

12 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cadet Medication

I’ve started a new one, not sure if the MODS want to move some of this over there?

Completely unrelated from what everyone been talking about recently, however the JIs now say trousers & slacks ONLY, I wonder whether there’s a reason for this, because last year I wore a skirt and it was totally fine!

If anyone could get me any info about it it would be great!!

Current forecast is for a wet RIAT :grimacing:

So instead of debating a switch from blues to civvies for heat I’m now debating switching to MTP.

Good job we’ve all done non-freezing cold injury training.

Oh wait… that got pulled in favour of new heat injury training.

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So 100% humidity in summer?

Would a WBGT reading even allow the event to go ahead?


That would be sensible all round but apparently the event has to be blues. It’s never made sense really.

My visit… my rules


That used to be the way, people are far more forgiving these days.

Are they? Not so I’ve noticed!

When we went as a Squadron group we never wore uniform.

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you say that but i haven’t seen the IBN or LM about day visiting Squadron instructions that used to go out indicating the instructions (rules) to follow in particular how to deconflict with those on the RIAT camp
(it was a document that ensured consistency thus those attending for the day were not disciplined by CFAVs on the RIAT camp for not following rules that those on the camp had set)

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I’ve always seen a mixture of No. 2s, 3s, 3As, berets, baseball caps, etc, etc.