Quite a few of you are eager to discuss the off-topic tangent from “Time to change the cadet promise and move with the times…”, which was locked as it was off topic and no longer a “discussion of formal and serious issues regarding the Air Cadets Organisations”. I also suspected it would quickly descend into ideological slanging match. [sub][Prove me wrong][/sub]
The Crew Room is slightly more relaxed so a discussion can be allowed to go slightly off-topic. However the AUP still applies and personal attacks and the like will not be tolerated, nor will provocation.
If you want to continue the discussion please do so here, but try and keep the tone like that on Any Questions? rather than The Jeremy Kyle Show. That is to say:
[li]-Check facts/statements for accuracy before posting,[/li]
[li]-Avoid getting personal,[/li]
[li]-Don’t post anything just to wind someone up,[/li]
[li]-Write as if anything you say might be put next to a photo of you in the paper.[/li]
I apologise if I am being patronising, but it is sometimes helpful to set the standard. Bear in mind that it is far easier to ban, lock or bin than it is to split and edit threads. Any questions on this or other moderating policy, send me a PM.
I have quoted some posts below for neatness. Some of them however, would not meet the standard.
[quote=“padre2366” post=8296]Well done ACO on the brilliant rewording of the Cadet Promise. That must have taken a lot of thought! Also that by making this change have Chaplains had their Article 9 rights iaw The European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms breached? This stipulates that “Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, this right includes freedom to change his religion or belief, and freedom either alone or in community with others,and in public or in private to manifest his religion or belief, in worship, teaching, practice and observance.”
Although nothing has been said on the subject, is the way the Enrollment Service is prepared for in ACP 9 also going to change?
Where Article 9 may be breached is in relation to Matthew 28 verses 19 and 20: "Go ye therefore and teach…(v19) and verse 20 says "…Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you:
So (applicable to those taking the revised promise): Chaplains will not be able to say the word ‘God’ in their enrollment service. It follows that if they omit God from the enrollment then the Chaplain should not be able to teach about God in the lead up to the enrollment, The Chaplain is therefore denied the opportunity to apply one of the most important passages of Scripture therefore Article 9 Rights have been breached.[/quote]
[quote=“MattB” post=8297]Seriously?
You honestly believe that your human rights are affected because you’re not allowed to preach to those who have specifically chosen a non-religious option? [strike]Or are you just being deliberately obtuse? [/strike] [/quote]
[quote=“padre2366”]Thanks asqncdr. It most probably would not have got anywhere. I suppose it was a bit tongue in cheek, but at times it seems that ‘religion’ has to play a back seat to some of the factions and minority groups who seem to ride roughshod over thousands of years of history and culture because it makes them feel better.
This Country does seem to have lost the knack of standing up for things it should hold most dear! If someone can appeal to the ECtJ against a deportation order because he (convicted terrorist) has a Cat and therefore has a right to have his Human Rights to found a family upheld, then why shouldn’t it be the case that where someone is prevented from being able to ‘practice Religion’ then why shouldn’t it be that a possible Human Rights violation could have taken place.
It just struck me as an idea so I thought I would throw it out there. I also was looking at recent statistical returns made to HQAC somewhere on Bader I think it was and that over 12000 had declared some kind of religious affiliation against just over 412 who had declared no affiliation. [/quote]
[quote=" Baldrick"] Padre2366: The Cat thing was an example of our lovely home secretary being a complete tool and making up legal precedents. It didn’t happen. Read some quality newspapers.
Also, the cat guy was a student from Bolivia. Hardly a convicted terrorist. [/quote]
I don’t want to have to get rid of this thread. (again)