Picking up on points made above (sorry, I’m not as clever as you lot and don’t know how to insert multiple quotes)
Early warning of camps: With regards to RIAT - surely this is a LONG TERM arrangement - so why AREN’T dates standardised…? Short of going to war, I would have thought that the RAF already have the dates for the next five years at least… not least beicse it’s always the same weekend!
The same thing with other routine camps and activities… take the guesswork out and make life easier for your CFAVs and give them a chance to plan their lives outside of RAFAC - this isn’t rocket science.
Seasonal camps at air stations will presumably be subject to operational demands, availability, support and co-operation from each station - which may not be known in advance - or may not be reliable…
Mid week flying slots - realistically, the only people I can see taking up such slots will be either sixth formers, the home schooled or CCF cadets with “amenable” staff - or pupils during school holidays.
The entire USP of RAFAC is to get cadets in the air… why on earth is HQAC / 22 Group seemingly going out of their way to prevent this…
If you have to restrict access to AEF to weekends and school holidays, you NEED to maximise the availability of resources - and thanks to the lack of access internally - the only option is to outsource it.
Instead of being control freaks and saying NO, let’s look at ways to be able to say YES and find solutions.
This isn’t rocket science - get more kids in the air more often…
Make volunteering easier (and more enjoyable) for your CFAVs or expect to lose both.
Instead of fudging your answer of “we’re not happy with the level of risk that ACF are prepared to accept”, how about give an honest explanation of WHY - what is so wrong…?
Better yet - publish the minimum terms of safe operation you will accept.