RAFAC Attitude Survey 2020

i would also suggest that the answers could be predicted - certainly from the Cadets
“more please” - generally of everything.
flying/gliding/shooting/AT/Camps - ie weekend/overnight stuff

and maybe from the parents - “more communication” although that is probably me trying to second guess them. The majority of interaction i have with the parents is them asking me questions about an activity where most of the time the Cadet has the information - which is frustrating.

i got around this by posting JIs on our closed Facebook group where Cadets and Parents could access it - the move to CP has removed this as i can just upload the JIs to the event although removes the transparency for the Parent.
case in point:
comment from parent on Facebook post that event is taking place
“Has my daughter been selected for event?”
Please ask to check Cadet Portal where nomination success has been indicated…

there then followed a few more comments where “nothing is showing yet” (which wasn’t true) basically trying to get me to say yes or no

Are you using the SharePoint App? It’s not great because it’s old SharePoint and not one of those new fancy sites.

Search for “Volunteers” to find the site

Use the 3 Lines to open the menu and select “Ask the Team”

Then you can see the threads.

Didn’t know there was one! That is certainly very useful to know, thank you.

I’ve used up the storage space on my phone so now need to work out what to get rid of…

If anyone wants to raise the question above in the meantime then please do as it will be a while before I’m in a position to. Also need to concentrate and do some day job work!

Surveys for parents and cadets would be complete waste of effort as their experience is too limited to the moment and mostly their “personal” moment be that locally or nationally influenced. You could equally apply the same line to schools.

The new CAC should have read the survey report as part of his job interview prep and his ideas on resolving some of the things a major part of the interview. But he should have asked the question of his well paid staff what have you done to address the problem areas and if nothing why not.

These surveys are only really a management exercise to tick a box for someone in their annual review. As long as we just keep making the organisation work for HQAC and supplying them with statistics to justify their jobs, whatever we say in the surveys is meaningless, as all would ever get is lip service. If we took some sort of action which impacted HQAC as a result of their inaction, then something might happen to benefit us and make the surveys worthwhile…

I wonder what the results from a RAFAC Attitude Survey 2024 would look like.

I can’t see them doing one of these again…might have to acknowledge quite how many dtaff are demoralised!


Did we ever get to see the results from this one?


FOI them?


Naughty! :laughing:

Pls no - Here

Looking at the directory - the author has now left RAFAC.

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Que surprise

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Comms more

interesting (/not surprising) that this was highlighted in the results in 2020 and get the townhalls only appear to be created because of the car park and SW fiasco and not because HQAC have followed a 4 year old recommendation…