A List of abbreviations used in the RAFAC Organisation
AAFC - Australian Air Force Cadets (RAAF)
ACF - Army Cadet Force
ACO - Air Cadet Organisation - now defunct, but may well still be seen in places
ACLC - Air Cadet Leadership Course
ACLO - Air Cadet Liaison Officer
ACP - Air Cadet Publication
Air Cdre - Air Commodore
ALARP - As low as reasonably practicable
AO - Admin Order
AP - Air Publication
APO - Acting Pilot Officer [RAFAC & RAFVR(UAS)]
ACTO - Air Cadet Training Order
ACATI - Air Cadet Adventure Training Instruction
ACFTI - Air Cadet Fieldcraft Traning Instruction
ACPEDTI - Air Cadet Physical Education Training Instuction
AEF - Air Experience Flight (or Air Experience Flying)
AFA - Activity First Aid
AFI - Annual Formal Inspection
ARD - Ancillary range duty
ATC - Air Traffic Control / Air Training Corps
BEL - Basic Expedition Leader
BPSS - Baseline Personnel Security Standard
CCF - Combined Cadet Force
Cdt - Cadet
CFAV - Cadet Force Adult Volunteer
Cdt FS - Cadet Flight Sergeant
CI - Civilian Instructor
Cpl - Corporal
CTC - Counter Terrorism Check
CWA - Climbing Wall Award
CWAA - Climbing Wall Absail Award
CWLA- Climbing Wall Leading Award
CWO - Cadet Warrant Officer
DBS - Disclosure and Barring Service
DE - Defence estate
DTEE - Defence Training & Evaluation Estate
ELA - Entry Level Award (Health and Safety)
Flt Lt - Flight Lieutenant
Fg Off - Flying Officer
FS - Flight Sergeant
FSC - Flight Staff Cadet
FOD - Foreign Object Debris/Damage
FTS - Flying Training School
Gp Capt - Group Captain
HKACC - Hong Kong Air Cadet Corps
HML - Hill and Mooreland Leader
HS&E - Health, Safety and Environment
HQAC - Headquarters Air Cadets
IACE - International Air Cadet Exchange
IBN - Internal Briefing Note
IWT - Initial Weapons Training
JI - Joining Instructions
JL - Junior Leader(s)
JSP - Joint Service Publication
L/Cpl - Lance Corporal
LLA - Lowland Leader Award
ML - Mountain Leader
NIBAS - National Indoor Bouldering Award Scheme
NICAS - National Indoor Climbing Award Scheme
NNAS - National Navigation Award Scheme
NZATC - New Zealand Air Training Corps
OC - Officer Commanding
PiPE - Participation in a Public Event
Plt Off - Pilot Officer
PME - Public Military Event
QAIC - Qualified Aerospace Instructor Course
RA - Risk Assessment
RAMS - Risk Assessment & Method Statement
RAF - Royal Air Force
RAFA - Royal Air Forces’ Association
RAFAC - Royal Air Force Air Cadets (term replaces ACO)
RAFBF - Royal Air Force Benevolent Fund
RAFC - Royal Air Force College (Cranwell)
RAFFT - Royal Air Force Fitness Test
RAFR - Royal Air Force Reserve
RAFVR(T) - Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (Training) - now reduced in size
RAuxAF - Royal Auxiliary Air Force
RCAC - Royal Canadian Air Cadets
RCO - Range Conducting Officer
RFCA - Reserve Forces and Cadets Association
RPAS - Remotely Piloted Aircraft System
SAAI - Skill-at-arms instructor
SC - Security Check / Staff Cadet
SCC - Sea Cadet Corps
Sgt - Sergeant
SLG - Self-Launching Glider
SME - Subject Matter Expert
SPA - Single Pitch Award
SQEP - Suitably-qualified and experienced person
Sqn - Squadron
Sqn Ldr - Squadron Leader
SWO - Station Warrant Officer
UAS - Uncrewed Aerial System / University Air Squadron
VGS - Volunteer Gliding Squadron
WATTO - Wing Adventure Training Technical Officer
Wg Cdr - Wing Commander
WHT - Weapons Handling Test
WI - Weapons instructor
WO - Warrant Officer
2IC - Second In Command