List of Acronyms in ATC

Does anyone have a list of the Acronyms and their application in the ATC.

It can seriously confusing and frustrating for a user that is not up to “speed”

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Not to hand, but if you post the onset you’ve heard then we can start that list here.

Probably one for the ACC Drive

To get you started though

ACF - Army Cadet Force
ACO - Air Cadet Organisation - now defunct, but may well still be seen in places
ACLC - Air Cadet Leadership Course
ATC - Air Training Corps
CCF - Combined Cadet Force
HQAC - Headquarters Air Cadets
IWT - Initial Weapons Training
JL - Junior Leader(s)
QAIC - Qualified Aerospace Instructors Course
RAF - Royal Air Force
RAFA - Royal Air Forces Association
RAFAC - Royal Air Force Air Cadets (term replaces ACO)
RAFC - Royal Air Force College (Cranwell)
RAFVR(T) - Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve (training) - now defunct
RAuxAF - Royal Auxilliary Air Force
RCO - Range Conducting Officer
SCC - Sea Cadet Corps
VR(T) - Short form of RAFVR(T)
WHT - Weapons Handling Test

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How about let’s make a wiki ?? :slight_smile:


I forgot that was a thing!

Yes, Wiki is ideal for this sort of thing.

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Thanks all… Wiki is inspired

How about a list of ACTO’s and the topic in the wiki as well


TBH, the ACTOs page on Sharepoint lists all of the titles fairly clearly.

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Ok… Cool… Still gettiing head into what’s here… not a Total newbie but the speed and application of “shorts” unless you use them regularly can mean you always behind the curve in discussions.

Don’t refer to ACTOs if that acronym isn’t on the list :wink:

What about CFC : Cadet Forces Commission?
If it really exists yet?

Still not got my RAFAC slides!