RAF Recruitment Discrimination

Totally agree…best person for the job. Race, sexuality etc. shouldnt come into the equation.


Tomorrow’s Times is not going to make pleasant reading, even the SIB have been involved. It’s behind the paywall, if anyone wants a copy DM me.

Wigston’s been summoned to sit before a defence select committee, will be interesting - and painful - viewing.

Got a mate who’s ex-Reds. He’s corroborated the whole story.

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I’m sure that will be an entertaining experience.




I assume this committee meeting isn’t recorded? Surprised there’s been minimal coverage on BBC News.

Someone over at Disastra memes is making the not at all unreasonable point that when the Reg boys were caught out being a bit too friendly with mortars, the OC and WO of the unit were sacked and the unit was disbanded.

Reckon we’ll see the same here…?

Should be able to watch it on Parliamentlive.tv - Committees

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That’s one way of putting it :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Unlikely I think.

I thought it was the Mortars being friendly?

Slightly off topic but Once a year I would like to see the select committee call in Comdt AC & equivalents in the SCC & ACF & give them a grilling about the cadet forces.

Not only would it focus minds, it would illustrate to the wider military the scrutiny cadets are under so the need to resource them. It would be a useful exercise & help change the dynamics as well as market the Cadets out a little more (Parliament TV is good ironing tele)


Completely agree with you. For the next month still I can even claim watching it is work

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This only works if the culture allows for equal opportunities once you’re there too. You can earn a place but is it a place that treats people equally once they’re there. There’s no point recruiting a bunch who’ll actively dissuade anyone that doesn’t fit their mould from staying or prevents them from being able to move on up.
As is often repeated - you have to be able to see it to believe you can be it. Old boys club is referred to relatively often on here, this is an actual problem.


All is OK then, there will be a discussion about all the various RAF goings-on at the AFB meeting on 07 Sep… :man_facepalming:

Personally, I call that lazy leadership - but hey, it was probably CAS who directed the “positive discrimination?”

That’s two days after the new PM takes over. So timeline would be

5 sept - new PM
5/6/7 - possibly new defence secretary
7 - Air Force board meeting
Then speculating

9th CAS briefs Sec Def
14th briefed minutes written up
21th sec def has “gentle chat” with CAS
Mid October CAS steps down or “promoted to the lords”, new replacement announced seamlessly with new candidate ready to take over almost is it’s been planned for over 6 weeks.

So just a follow up. Defence Sec is being called into the select committee mtg after the AF board mtg.

Is it just me or does Deborah Haynes, seem to be deriving actual pleasures from the RAFs misfortune?

Is she some sort of wannabe dropout? Or an Army brat?
Am i missing something, seems to be a total lack of objectivity going on.

Yes. Hammer the RAF for incompetence.
No. Dont write like your sat on a washing machine during spin cycle and its all just too good for you.

I mean, you’re not?

Dumped by a pilot, probably :rofl:

Tbf, she’s really enjoyed the RN’s breakdown this weekend too. It’s just been very easy to dump on the armed forces higher ups recently. And in a lot of cases, they deserve it.