Quick Questions…

Yeap, recently in the USA, got to 12k ft… seen this a lot: https://boostoxygen.life asked a local Pharmacy and gave it go - have to say it did the job

How long did it last for with a 5 litre container? For aviation therapeutic oxygen bottles, there are normally 2 settings, 2L / min & 4L / min.

I would think that the car engine / fuel / air ratios would be more of an issue? Sitting as a driver is a very low level workload compared to mountain climbing/ ski-ing.

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2l over a couple of days as and when needed - I was at 6k ft and upto 12k over a period of a week. IMHO it was worth the $20 and would do again in heart beat

Hope I’m not too late for this reply to be of help…

Clarkson and co took Viagra to counter the effects of altitude sickness when crossing the Andes…!

I arrived back home earlier today, following another lovely 17 hour bus journey.

Thankfully, didn’t really experience anything too bad. A little bit of dizziness when waking up on day 2, a pulse oxygen level that dropped as low as 78% saturation at one point overnight but everything else was fine.

That being said, I was approximately only ⅕ as high up as the Top Gear team in the Bolivia special. So there’s room to try some stuff out yet!

Edit to share my PulseOx graph for the last week. Spot the journey to the highlands!

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Anyone else only seening 2 locations on the WBGT forecast?

Same for me!

Yep Same

Drill boots? I’ve heard were allowed as cadets even if not a DI and I’ve heard otherwise can anyone actually confirm?

  1. Footwear. Issue black oxfords or DMS shoes may be worn by RAFAC Officers and WOs. Other ranks wear DMS. Black socks are to be worn.

So no.

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QQ - Can anyone remind me how we go about ordering Unit Identification Badges these days?
I’m going to face-palm if someone says “Just email Green Frog directly”

Email Green Frog

… directly

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Hmm, doesn’t say specifically that they can’t… :smiling_imp:

It doesn’t specifically say cadets can’t wear field service caps or thunderbird jackets either, but with uniform regulations the idea is to wear what it explicitly says you can.

When my Sqn started to enforce the GP jackets ban for cadets, our NCO team wore Thunderbird jackets instead :joy:

Youthful rebellion and malicious compliance.


wait…i thought the GP and Thunderbird jacket are the same?

Have i been misled all this time?

This is a thunderbird jacket. Believe they went out of usage by the RAF in the late 70s?

ahhh ok - i always assumed the GP was a thunderbird jacket, given there is a similarity and not being familiar with the above garment!

To be fair that’s less bad than the GPJ, which I’ve only ever worn at Cranwell.

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