Queens Jubilee Medal - are there still people waiting?

I am becoming furious with the complete lack of Comms on this.

I was lucky enough to be in T1, but I have 2 staff in T2…

The lack of comms from HQ is so unprofessional and yet again continues to show a lack of respect to the volunteers in the organisation.

I have been ignored by the CoC when I have chased for an answer.

  • Has anyone else heard anything?

I’m in T2

That’s all I’ve heard

It was mentoned at senior WO conference that theres supply challenges.

Completely understandable, there’s no way procurement could have known about an upcoming jubilee…

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I’m in T2, having been missed due to Wing error for T1, I asked for an update before Xmas and was told to keep waiting, I’ll be updated when they get an update.
In March I move to another Wing / Region, this will be the third Wing / Region since the QPJM was submitted, what are the chances of the medal ever finding me, if it ever does turn up :roll_eyes:

Oh dear…i spoke to Worcester medals (producers of the QPJMs) last week when buying new miniatures and they said they’d not been asked to produce any more…

What are HQ actually going to do because almost 2 years on, we aren’t any closer to seeing T2 getting their medals.


Surely there must be a way of going direct to MODMO by now with evidence of service?

Sadly not. My Sqn WO did and he just got directed to HQRAFAC

Our ACF colleagues are getting a chewing if they contact the MO

I said to Wing HQ that if I didn’t get an answer I’d go direct to the MO and was told in no uncertain terms that not be advisable :pensive:

I wouldn’t be surprised if the production run had finished.


Or change supplier…

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Oooooh…Platinum Jubilee Medal Tranche 2 Missed Deadline - a Freedom of Information request to Air Cadet Organisation - WhatDoTheyKnow

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I think the corrybobs are coming out in February.

General update, not to rub it in if you still haven’t got the Jubbly (sorry).

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If it is (which would surprise me) then it will only be Tranche 1 which for the coronation medal was those with 5 years uniform uniformed RAFAC CFAV service. If you have a break or are relying on other service then you’ll be in Tranche 2

Does anyone think those waiting will get any news before the 2nd anniversary of the jubilee. Shall we start planning the wait for information 2nd birthday party?

I know someone who contacted the medal office, even though was told not to, wrist slapped but he’ll live. Medal office have no record for him, which would suggest HQAC haven’t even put forward the T2 or T3 lists to the medal office.
I’ve given up any hope of seeing the Jubes medal.

Absolutely nothing of VRT (AEF) getting the QPJM since our last update back in September/October. We’ve now a new Commandant and I hope he’s still going to push as I’ve lots of pilots who are, let’s say, a little narked!! We don’t even know if we’ll get the KCM.

Really is a bit poor and that’s saying is without swearing.

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you will definitely get the KCM. The VRT are explicitly listed as one of the eligible groups for KCM with criteria of 5 year plain service (including combined with other service). No attendance requirement in any TY beyond the simple 5 years on the books.

The QPJM error of not including the VR(T) is a bit of a stupid error on somebody’s part but it shouldn’t have taken nearly 2 years to get it fixed. Although saying that the RAFR (CC) we’re excluded from the QGJM and QDJM by not being mentioned as the VRT is for the QPJM and despite many attempts to get DIN changed haven’t been successful in getting any of those awarded although they are for first time with these sort of medals included on the KCM criteria

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Is the RAFR (CC) still a thing?