PTS Fieldcraft Syllabus, Released May 2024

Couldnt find a suitable thread.

What’s the gen?

Rumour has it that there is a PTS style FT syllabus coming. Sooner than not.

Any info appreciated.

Will this be badged.

Is this a ‘hard rule’ syllabus I.e. Blue will be only Sqn and tough. Want Bz topic, sorry but sector and wing only.

What change if any (yet again) to staff qualifications.

Anything else relevant.


72 posts were split to a new topic: PTS Fieldcraft Syllabus, is one coming? - snipped

Couldnt find a suitable thread.

What’s the gen?

Rumour has it that there is a PTS style FT syllabus coming. Sooner than not.

Any info appreciated.

Will this be badged.

Is this a ‘hard rule’ syllabus I.e. Blue will be only Sqn and tough. Want Bz topic, sorry but sector and wing only.

What change if any (yet again) to staff qualifications.

Anything else relevant.


SNI have one and the RFCO is hoping others will adopt it. That’s about it at the moment, it’s based off a PPT that’s been bouncing around a bit.

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Any chance of it bouncing onto the ACC drive?

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Obviously not official and definitely didn’t come from RC North … PTS is coming; no badges but cap feathers instead so they can be seen on both green and blue uniforms; only SAAIs will be permitted to instruct; M Qual needed for anything with weapons.

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There is a root and stem review into Fieldcraft being done at the moment, I’m told that no decisions have been taken yet.

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I know the idea of virtual badges were aired a few years ago so it’s just shows on Cadet Portal.

Not sure if that got any more traction.

Personal opinion… No more badges/lanyards/TRFs etc please :pray:


That’s a joke right and your just trolling.


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Yeah definitely.
Else its 2nd brassard time! :face_vomiting::man_facepalming:

That’s a contradiction right there.

Suspect, either you’re very ill informed, not part of our organisation or just making stuff up.


I don’t like the idea of a Fieldcraft TRF, that’s not what they are for.

If they are going to add badges they need to remove badges to make space.

In fairness they could do something with lanyard…

The burgundy lanyard for JL, could be modified.

FT blue PTS = JL lanyard with 1 blue band.
FT bronze PTS = JL lanyard with 1 bronze band
FT silver PTS = JL lanyard with 1 silver band
FT gold PTS = JL lanyard with 1 gold band

I would suggest gold PTS level is the JL course.

Using the above we could just use the existing JL lanyard and simply procure wrap around bands for them.

Problem would be then what to do about MOI and QAIC. Unless it remained the same policy, got a choice of lanyard, pick your favourite.

I’ll put 50p on leg pulling taking place


Lanyards, and their supply are an interesting topic.

It’s actually a bit of an issue. The courses have to source their own lanyards, that’s why the JL one changed some years ago from a dark maroon to a lighter burgundy. The new course QM recommended the swap as the maroon one was purchased by the course privately, and came out of the budget, around a time they were told to cut costs. The newer lanyard is an army one with an NSN, so could be ordered from supplies for lower cost.

I think the QAIC supply ran out recently? I recall seeing something about it.

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Aren’t the feathers called cockades?

They changed just after I did the course I think.

The colour and how they were designed changed which I believe was due to supply issues with the original style.

I also recall seeing something on the QAIC fb page but it seems to have been taken down. It was an update on most recent course’s lanyards I believe.

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