The same way they are now, direct debit out of the account with a label on it.
I’d say that sort of falling out is more likely I happen between an OC and a Squadron Chairman than between Squadron and Wing Committee.
The same way they are now, direct debit out of the account with a label on it.
I’d say that sort of falling out is more likely I happen between an OC and a Squadron Chairman than between Squadron and Wing Committee.
The modern petty cash. This is one option and I think is probably the likely outcome.
I’d previously proposed it for our unit.
That is within the documents shown under the FOI request, and the regional/wing CWC would have to pay for them out of funds raised not paid for by the RAFAC.
More likely for sure but it can’t be ruled out. Also this change would mean squadrons have more interaction with their wing committee and so falling outs might, in theory, become likelier than before.
My only hopes is that a change like this doesn’t limit a squadron’s ability to run squadron events and get new kit for training out of the funds they have potentially raised. Though I haven’t read this entire thread in depth so maybe that’s been accounted for
X1 part time person… for a Region!
Many not recently accessed have already been shut down, with a delay on those in use to allow a data dump and changing over of services’ contact details.
Suggestions are coming out that there is a non publicly funded email service coming?
Is it definite though? Has anyone seen any written communication from the BADER team, or anyone else, on the timeline for the removal of all active chair/treasurer mail accounts?
Yes. I have seen in writing that CWCs are being given access to another system that, once they’ve moved over, means they won’t have access to Bader. AFAIK North Region are trailing this right now. Apparently Wing CWC Chairs have detailed information about this change.
Timeline, no, just that it’s phased by region.
What annoys me is that this post on Teams was the first communication I’d see about it.
No emails from the Bader team that it was being planned.
Yes I’d heard about from various CivCom members asking about it, but leaving Bader PoC’s in the dark until it’s happening is shocking!
I think the thing is, from what I understand, the plan to get rid of Sqn CivCom accounts was sent down the CivCom chain back in January. In theory CivComs have had 5 months to sort things out and be ready for removal.
I don’t disagree there has been sufficient notification to the account holders.
From what I’ve heard it seems some regional civcom chairs never passed it on until much later.
I just mean that Bader pocs should have been included in the initial comms that went out about it
1, so it’s not a surprise finding out it’s happening
2, to actually support please in good time
Sorry if I’m slow to wake up to this, but if something like 34 Wings across the 6 ATC Regions each employ a fund manager and a bookkeeper to replace the roughly 900 or so volunteer CWC treasurers, and we assume a lowish employment cost of ~£80k (inc. NICers and other costs of employment) that sums up to (34 x £80,000) = £2,720,000/year.
£2.7 million is a considerable sum to extract from the squadron level non-public funds. Have I missed something, or is this effectively a plan that requires significant diversion of funds currently allocated to enriching the cadet experience to pay for tasks currently done by volunteers for nothing?
£80k?! Nah. If we need to pay someone (which I’m not 100% sure we do!) then it would not need to be a full time position. And it wouldn’t be that well paid…
Freelance bookkeeper rates seem to be in the £15-£20 an hour ish. So at 10 hours a week would only be £7800-£10400. Freelance, so self employed, so that’s all that needs paying. No NIC etc.
But, I see no reason why it can’t carry on as a voluntary role, or split between a couple of people.
And, as I mentioned up thread, if Squadrons reduce their fund-raising activities will the burden of cost fall on other Squadrons to make up the shortfall in funding, or will Squadrons be given mandatory ‘targets’ each year to achieve to fund this system.
Maybe. For a Wing of 25 squadrons 10/hrs/wk works out at less than half an hour per squadron per week. Doesn’t feel like much time, but it will be just one bank account, not 25 bank accounts. I guess unknowns exist around what tasks treasurers are actually doing now (it must vary hugely) and how much the CWC successor teams will continue to volunteer to help.
So an interesting thing happening down here. Just seen an email that says the Wing Treasurer must become a signatory on every Squadrons accounts. Reasoning being to avoid a situation where the F60 can’t be signed if all the CWC leave.
Seems a bit odd to me, and I really can’t see how they can mandate become a signatory. It may seem like a practical idea, but hasn’t really been though through as far as I see it…
If nothing else, the wing treasurer’s credit rating will take a bit of a bash - going through 30 or so credit checks in a short space of time…
So is the wing treasurer going to have to become at least a part-time committee employed post with all the implications that comes with it as I can’t see a volunteer taking that on as a role? If it became a paid role, who actually funds it?
This really does leave the Wing Treasurer at risk with 30+ different Squadrons with different financial requirements.
Fat chance of that happening, having an argument with the bank as they are not permitting new signatories to be added without the old signatory’s but they haven’t updated their list so are asking for signatories from 12 years ago.