Proposed Changes to Civilian Committees

So are they ‘parented’ by the regional one?

No volunteers = no committees = no Corps.

Fixed that for you :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Maybe just the CCF? This would save a ton of money and hassle (assumption made) and wouldnt damage anyone’s reputation as the organisation would still be around, just in a different guise.

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Which shifts risk and responsibility to the school headteacher.

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The CCF moment raises an interesting question.

We understand who squadrons operate, but CCF is different. CCFs in private schools, how do they pay subs? Surely comes via Term fees. But what about CEP CCFs?

Our CEO partnership cadets just pay a termly fee in the same way you pay for other “wrap around care clubs/activities”.

Interesting set of document released under FoI legislation. ACC gets a mention on page 13.

  1. It was suggested that there was a level of discontent within the Corps
    regarding the focus and purpose of both Working Groups. Reference was
    made to relevant posts on the Air Cadet Central web site. The Chair
    agreed to:
    a. Look at the relevant posts on Air Cadet Central
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Interestingly that they’ve only asked the ACF on how they manage things when with the sea cadets each individual unit is a charity & operates as such.

Interesting point on page 35 regarding costs of employing administration being borne by the ‘charity’ not the RAFAC.

The SCC don’t have the mix of public/private money that we do in the same way.

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Is that actually relevant though?

That line is drawn; the remaining question for us is where in the chain our independently registered charities sit.

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I would say it is, if they are set up to use private money for a different range of things and they are making that money in very different ways I would say they have less to offer us in the way of information than the ACF who have a pretty similar financial structure us.

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Hi all!

Please forgive me if anyone has commented on the question below previously, its a long thread and i might have missed it.

I kinda get the “centralisation” of the charity status and / or money a Wing level … reduces risk etc etc, but our Sqn treasurer is quite a busy person, were a large sqn, multiply that by nnn Sqns, add in the admin of the Wing account as well, and thats a full time job, that needs to be paid for … if the Sqns pay it could be upwards of £1000 per sqn , which they didnt have to pay before and has no real benefit to the cadets, so is it a good use of Sqn funds?

How will “day to day” stuff be handled at Sqn level … subs management, income and expenditure, fund raising, grant applications etc. Surely we will still need some group of people to do this, to stop any additional burden on the OC and already over stretched staff?

Where will the “local” knowledge be? If a request for expenditure is made to Wing from a Sqn OC, is there any decisions made at a local level, based on knowledge of the sqn, original purchases, alternative sources of funding within the local community, all things that a CivCom should already have in place?

Gift Aid - would that be claimed centrally - another huge task, if lots of the Sqn are registered? Compiling who has paid, how much and when? Donations? GASDS? managing Gift Aid consent forms?

If there a limit to how much u can claim per “charity”? i seem to remember there is for GASDS?

Assets - will those all refer back to the Wing ? and there for the responsibility for maintaining them, as it not current sits with civcoms?

I know a lot of civcoms that deal with the insurances for Sqns, contents, indemnity etc, is that just more work for sqn staff?

Do the thousands of civcom members just become staff or leave the organisation, a loss of some useful volunteers?

Once again, sorry if this has been discussed, i thought id brain dump



All good questions.
All currently without answers.


Two points, £30k a year assuming 30 units x £1000 for a full time post seems to be rather on the low side, considering I paid my accountant £400 for less than one days work and secondly, what if Squadrons don’t raise the amount for paying into an accountants wages, are other Squadrons expected to increase the amount they pay into the central funding of said person?

Who would be responsible for the employed person in terms of tax, NI accommodation, and HR functions, if a volunteer, would they be trained to undertake such a task and ensuring employers contributions were paid, yet another cost for which funds would be diverted from the cadets.

How would cadets and CWC feel if they thought hard work fund-raising was spent on management and not to their Squadrons benefit?


My understanding is that squadron committees aren’t going anywhere, but they will no longer be trustees or signatories of the fund.

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Exactly this.

Really hope this is the case

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I’ve definitely said that before somewhere.

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I’m just sort of catching up with this change and I’m not sure if I’m understanding this correctly but say you wanted to buy some household items for your squadron as you’re running low, you could contact your civcom and get it paid for. With these changes you’d now have to speak to your wing civcom (if your wing even has one) just to get some household items?

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