Preparing to Return to F2F Activity... Again/Still

Yeah. It certainly would be massively frustrating if you have an especially cautious RC, whilst next door they are doing all the things you want to do.

That needs reporting.
Breaks so many rules, let alone the law.

It’s so frustrating. You would
Of thought that everything Would I’d been done at HQAC with a this is how it is. All the risk assessments ready to go with local supplements for each squadron.

Maybe one day we will be the one big happy organisation doing everything the same.

Interesting to see how the cadets got to said training area. Minibus, cars ??

It’s all over social media so time will tell as to what will happen. As I said I’m not here to name and shame. Just airing a frustration as to why we can’t do the same not over night but fieldcraft with lean to’s as well.

1349 Woking?

Looks like they are following the guidance to me, they have set up shelters and then had breakfast if you read their post. No suggestion of overnight, just training on bashas

Link to FB Post -

Please link
If you wont, I will report.

Edit… if it is Woking. That looks fine to me too.

Yeah it was Woking.
When I submitted my RA I was told we couldn’t use lean to’s. Was also
Told to submit a detailed travel plan which subsequently was rejected.

Maybe I need to email the OC and see how he got round it all.

I’m just really frustrated that other wings round us are doing stuff and we get shot down every time we try and do something or plan.

It should be ok to put up bashas. But I’d want to see some Covid risk mitigation in the RA and lesson plan. Masks as a minimum.

The over night was a Squadron that turns out to be CCF and are doing a DofE Weekend. As it’s a boarding school it’s allowed.

Sorry for the confusion and Misdirection.


Ah yes… I forgot, coronavirus doesnt affect the privileged.


CCFs are not just for the privileged. 25% of my contingent are on free school meals. We are operating as any other extra curricular club at a school, but having to keep the year group bubbles separate. Plus as we are a partnership between multiple schools we also need to keep those groups separate. If anything we are more hamstrung than most ATC units I’ve seen on social media as they don’t have a problem mixing kids from different schools and different year groups.

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We have been told not to worry about school bubbles or year group bubbles. That’s an interesting one. Seems stupid having one set of rules for CCF and another for us .

I’m not attacking the CCF.
I’m guessing the other 75% of your school have their butlers deliver though… :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

But what is clear is if I want to open my Sqn before end of 2025 it would be quicker for me to:

Start a new school.
Battle Ofsted.
Teach the whole curriculum
Transfer my Sqn to the CCF.
Parade again.

Why in gods name can CCFs just open up and get cracking with seemingly little admin and Sqns are smashed with form after form after constantly bloody changing form.
Would pay good money (or approx £27000 per annum :rofl::joy::rofl::rofl::joy:) for a test nco to do all my admin!

But im pleased at least some cadets somewhere are back at it!

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Bashas are fine, just no more than 1 per basha.

I’m sure that is specifically called out in the F2F guidance.

Because they are treated just like any other extra curricular activity at the school. Why would you treat CCF differently from chess club?

@Whisper the year group bubbles thing isn’t an HQAC rule for CCF, it’s the schools being required to manage bubbles within the school for all teaching and extra curricular activities

This seems really odd to me.

There’s specific guidance been released for Scotland recently (at last!), which allows squadron bubbles of up to 30 (!) and seemingly from as many schools as you like.

The Youth Scotland guidance also seems to suggest that adults can freely mix between different youth groups. So I could (theoretically) parade with a squadron of 29 on a Monday, lead a Scout group of 29 on a Tuesday, a Beaver group of 29 on a Wednesday, and have 87 direct contacts by mid-week.

If it then turns out I’ve got Covid, I’ve probably put about 200 people into isolation…

Looking at the much vaunted NYA’s guidelines

• Organisers should divide young people into bubbles, with a maximum of 15 young people per bubble.
• Children/young people should be placed in age appropriate bubbles.
• Should any member of a bubble become unwell, all members of the bubble should contact NHS Test and Trace. All members of the bubble (including leaders/visitors) should also be suspended from attendance and requested to self-isolate for 14 days.

Not really sure what age appropriate bubbles means, other than school years, which is a headache for squadrons, when I know we have all years from 8-13.

So on a squadron you have 15 cadets in a bubble which according to the NYA excludes staff, so say add in 2 staff. In the event of a cadet or member of staff ‘becoming unwell’, that’s 17 families affected so c.50 people plus affected due to one person “becoming unwell”. This doesn’t include the further impact on schools and workplaces.

I am probably one of the least anxious people wrt this, but being the one who would give the local go ahead, does open eyes to the bigger picture and is it really worth it. The impact of one person in a non-essential activity, has to be a concern to all of those involved at the top end of the organisation saying it’s OK to meet up. The problem is you are infectious long before you show symptoms and could have infected dozens and not known, for several days. Imagine the conversation with your boss when you say you have to isolate for a fortnight, due to a cadet becoming unwell, because this could affect your work mates and their families. Being asymptomatic cannot be countered for.

I have no problems with schools going back as this is key to getting people back at work. Just talking to my mates who work in schools, they are having to work very differently and there is a lot of money being spent on PPE and cleaning, one said their cleaners are spraying every classroom each day with what sounds almost like DDT. CCF fine as they will (or should) be abiding by their school’s rules at this time.

Squadron bubbles of 30 with or without 2m distancing? Are there any Squadrons that have space big enough for that :joy:

Maybe we’ll see SNI Sqns going back sometime soon, very frustrating seeing our English counterparts back doing what they enjoy when we can’t

Good to see on twitter flying and gliding has been given the green light from AOC 22Gp.


Now this gets me very excited. Though why the SM announcement?