Platinum Jubilee

If you read Air Publication 1919 the definition of cadet forces adult volunteer that the MOD uses in that document would not include members of the RAF VR(T).

So do they no longer get the CFM?

Because they have no one with the interest or time within the MoD/RAF IT crowd to do it and as ever the volunteer side is far too willing to do it and HQAC are far too willing to let volunteers do it because it’s cheap zero salary cost, and unlike some areas like flying is benign and unlikely to upset anyone up the chain. I imagine there are those in volunteer side who could get flying p and running better than the MoD/RAF.
IIRC the whole BADER/SMS thing was initially developed by volunteers, because they are cheap and no one with the time/interest in the salaried IT MoD/RAF to do it.

Because they are not replacing the perm staff . . . merely supporting/doing the additional work.


And most of us in the CS would have no problem whatsoever with a volunteer coming in and helping out with our workload in a department that is understaffed because they simply can’t recruit suitable people to the role.


I’m not sure can’t recruit is right as opposed to just don’t want to, when they can do it cheaper in other ways.

I do find the idea of volunteers doing things in this context hysterical as they must need to be cleared (which is a cost) and volunteers will come and go or as priorities change aren’t as available and inevitably no one replacing them, just like proper employees.

Try recruiting in the CS, no matter what department :man_shrugging:t2:

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Have you chased the CoC, or asked the question? There’s a post on VoP on teams which could be linked into.

Looks like some medals been issued for D&C camp attendees…

Only seen a few wearing them. I highly suspect they are individuals who have received them via another organisation ie police ambulance fire or similar or have private purchased a copy medal as a number of people I know have done so they can keep their original safe unless I’ve missed a post mentioning some being presented


Just for my own ignorance… Why would someone do that?

We still get the CFM

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Yep. Gone up to Commandant 6TS

I did with my CFM once i had the physical thing awarded to me. Only because i lose stuff all the time

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A good percentage of people but not everyone I’ve spoken to( mix of CFAV Only & Ex regulars) do it because they seem to worry about losing their medals so wish to keep the originals safe. They then wear the replicas when required so that if they do get lost or damaged it’s not as big an emotional issue.


Or bought replicas from Cadet Forces Medal Mounting. The guy who runs that business was at D&C to deliver their medals

I wouldn’t worry too much, I’m regular with 13 years service and I was awarded my QPJM on JPA 4 days ago :joy:

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I view mine to wear. Otherwise I wouldn’t have been awarded them. But I guess each to their own.

I don’t know anyone at work who wears originals, same with Cadets most people seem to have replicas.