Platinum Jubilee

Might not be that unlikely, as long as you have been in uniform for 5 years…

My point is that elligability hasnt been confirmed.
Wouldnt surprise me at all if they make this one ‘a shrine to the NHS’.

We’ve clapped for them what more do they want


I wasnt being sarcastic.

The public sector NHS isnt the only area of the economy to have had to work hard.

Thing is… enough people and parts of the economy have done well… really well out of the pandemic, that they dont give two hoots…

The bits which have been slammed are left holding their nuts in their hands.

So a big well done and a massive :+1: to the parts of the NHS who did their jobs. Because I can assure you, not everyone in the NHS has worked throughout.

If anyone should get a medal it’s the hospital cleaners.


Never a truer word spoken here … several friends relatives have certainly done more than their fair share.

Which surely would be the job of the Covid Medal which was bandied about for a while rather than that of the Jubilee Medal which has a clear reason for existing and has a precedent for who does and does not get it.


Also the recent honours lists were supposed to be being used to reward people for efforts during COVID - others being overlooked as a result.

How long will that go on for…
Sort of builds a backlog of other awards up doesnt it…

Surely a better solution, would have been for a bumper 1 off batch of an extra 10,000 MBEs or something for COVID work instead.

That would have been better. They created extra slots for the Olympics

Would you mind sharing more there? Where I’m stood (from without the nhs, I might add) the world looks very different.

I know plenty of NHS staff who have worked from home through the whole thing. But that’s the same with support staff in most occupations through all of this. (I know a Police Inspector who hasn’t been in a Police Station since October).


Local ENT department to me put in mothballs throughout. Only just reopening.

Nearest major hospital suspended all cancer treatment. With all patients either put on hold or redirected elsewhere.

Staff in both departments if not specifically trained for COVID or respiratory were released to other duties… seemingly gardening.

My immediate Next door neighbour is a consultant NHS ENT surgeon.
He didnt go to work for 4 months in the middle of it.

I’m sure other examples are prevalent, but I cant speak directly to them, so shant.

Seen on ModNet slightly thicker blue line :+1:t2:


Seen the picture communicated to senior bods. Its identical to this.

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Apologies if this has already been answered.

When HM passes those of us with jubilee medals, will they have to be removed or do we keep wearing them?

Could we have a situation of uniformed personal having Gold, Diamond and Platinum Jubilee medals, along with a coronation medal?

You’d keep wearing them.

I dont believe the last coronation mendal was issued to cadet forces.
Happy to be corrected.

IIRC it had a lower circulation than the Silver Jubilee medal, mainly given to dignitaries and those service personnel who were involved in coronation events. It remains to be seen whether Charlie boy’s coronation medal reverts to a similar, more limited, criteria.

My personal feeling is that it will depend on time after platinum jubilee.

If it’s less than 3 years probably limited circulation.
Over 3 years, probably more along the jubilee medal lines. Reason being the orgs and military who get the jubilee like the fact it recognises 5 years service.
That and otherwise there wont be another chocolate medal for many decades…

Charles wont make 25 years. Statistically.
William might… but that’s 50+ years after Lizs last jubilee.

There will certainly be a “medal desert” after Lizs death.

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I reckon it will be Jubillee rules, it’s gonna be the only mass issue with Charles face on it, can’t see him wanting it to be limited.


It shouldn’t be mass issue as it loses all significance, like all the jubilee medals.