but looking closely there are two jubilee (Diamond and Golden) which typically sit far left on the wearer being “attendance” medals - makes me wonder what that bottom row is if seen as lower significance than a jubilee medal*
*that said it always nerks me that the CFM is left of the jubilee medals - by definition it is harder to achieve 12 years service than 5 years but yet jubilee medals are placed ahead of CFMs
yes but it doesn’t matter if you’re a full time regular or “part-time” CFAV we tend to be equally eligible (the QPJM aside with the requirement for minimum hours) just requires 5 years service
by definition 12 years is longer than 5 years thus a “greater” achievement
I always thought campaign medals went in between gallantry medals and jubilee medals in the order they were earned, regardless of whether they were UK medals, NATO, UN, etc. I must be wrong.
Edit: Except that her first two medals are UN / NATO medals as well, which proves my original theory. What is different about those last two UN medals that makes them come after long service medals?
They do. Unless they aren’t earned on “UK” service. So she may have been attached to another allied force on those deployments. Permission would be needed for wear.
But you’re comparing 5 years regular service eith 12 years CFAV service.
As CFAVs weve been entitled to jubilee medals this comparing 5 years CFAV service (for a QJM) vs 12 years service (for CFM)
I wear both jubilee and CFM but the longer serving medal is on a “lesser” position
In addition the CFM for volunting time which is on top of my carerr whereas regular serving personnel inc policebabd others get it simply by doing their job the jubilee medal
I still think they won’t do a COVID one as it will end up being such a wide issue to cover everyone who put themselves at risk (delivery drivers, supermarket cashiers, testing centre volunteers etc) that it becomes pointless, or it goes really narrow and doesn’t recognise civilians properly and causes such resentment that it backfires politically.
Genuinely quite surprised we didn’t already have such an award. We claim to pride ourselves on humanity and compassion as a country, particularly using the likes of Florence Nightingale and the foundation of the NHS as examples, so surely such acts would have had a centralised award?
I do wonder what would be eligible though. Even the less severe level is for events that require action at a regional level. I’m glad to see it involves international humanitarian events too though.
Now here’s a question. The small boats crossing the channel creates a humanitarian problem, especially when rescues are required. Could we be about to see a government that has had a rather extreme view on such crossing (describing it as an “invasion” for example) award the RNLI boat members this medal for saving the lives of those involved? Would that be congruent?