Pin the Medal on the Chest (Medal Placement and Identification)

Yeah correct I looked it up after seeing the medal

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I remember something about the Gurkhas being involved as well.

But you’re comparing 5 years regular service eith 12 years CFAV service.

As CFAVs weve been entitled to jubilee medals this comparing 5 years CFAV service (for a QJM) vs 12 years service (for CFM)

I wear both jubilee and CFM but the longer serving medal is on a “lesser” position

In addition the CFM for volunting time which is on top of my carerr whereas regular serving personnel inc policebabd others get it simply by doing their job the jubilee medal

With the threat of massive thread drift…

Jubilee and coronation medals are considered a “personal gift” from the sovereign. So they rank higher than long service medals.

At least I think that’s the theory.


I remember being told something similar, because I was convinced it was wrong when I got mine back from the trailer.

Looks like a new gong then chaps.

Indicates to me emergency services will be eligible for this one. Clasps for humanitarian crises that have been helped with.

So COVID clasp? Etc etc.

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It’s not retrospective so no COVID clasp for it.

I still think they won’t do a COVID one as it will end up being such a wide issue to cover everyone who put themselves at risk (delivery drivers, supermarket cashiers, testing centre volunteers etc) that it becomes pointless, or it goes really narrow and doesn’t recognise civilians properly and causes such resentment that it backfires politically.


Genuinely quite surprised we didn’t already have such an award. We claim to pride ourselves on humanity and compassion as a country, particularly using the likes of Florence Nightingale and the foundation of the NHS as examples, so surely such acts would have had a centralised award?

I do wonder what would be eligible though. Even the less severe level is for events that require action at a regional level. I’m glad to see it involves international humanitarian events too though.

Now here’s a question. The small boats crossing the channel creates a humanitarian problem, especially when rescues are required. Could we be about to see a government that has had a rather extreme view on such crossing (describing it as an “invasion” for example) award the RNLI boat members this medal for saving the lives of those involved? Would that be congruent?

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Honestly have no idea of the specifics of it.

Just highlighting the announcement.

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I see this as being for similar situations as the Ebola medal, but bringing in one overarching medal rather than individual ones each time - essentially a GSM for humanitarian work. Would also cover going in to help after major flooding/earthquakes etc.


There was an unofficial Covid Cross made for NHS trusts to award to people. I’m still a little sore myself and others in the actual labs doing the qPCR tests didn’t get them :joy:


My squadron had a cadet (at the time) who ended up leading one of the testing sites close to us. She saw her duty, stepped up and delivered it at a young age when many others who didn’t need to shield hid away.

Her only real thanks was being fired when the subcontracted org downsized.

There are many people who were involved in the Covid response who definitely deserve recognition. I include those like yourself working in the lab, and those who stepped up to work front-line and put themselves at high risk for the sake of others, like my cadet did.


Yeah it’s either huge in which case a) what’s the point and b) how do we pay for it. Or it’s small in which case the RMT would go on strike.

Will be interesting to see if this gets fished out for things like Terror Attacks or Grenfell etc

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Busy weekend fir the MoDMO… New clasp for GSM as well.

No wonder the KCM had taken a back seat. :rofl:

Reading those criteria, RN will get lion’s share (they’re alway doing disaster relief somewhere - I believe it even forms part of their pre deployment testing), RAF will get very few as although helicopters & the Brize Norton pickfords do a lot they aren’t people facing….

Definitely a high bar for domestic incidents, although lots happen (floods, fires etc) not many require COBR leadership.

COVID response such as what I did with an org called RE:ACT would be the nearest I can think of.

Although I do note that unlike past gongs there won’t be any back dating, only from the point of Royal Assent forwards.

I had to look that up. I didn’t realise Team Rubicon had changed its name.


If anyone is feeling especially walty, can buy your own COVID medal…

Imagine rolling up somewhere with this.

It’s a bit like the BIM. (Bought It Myself).

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These companies really need putting out of business.