Phishing email

Yet again you miss the point

These emails aren’t going adj., OC., or even 1234@. They are being sent to all.region, all.wing, etc.

The argument is to prevent external emails able to make use of all.x mailing lists.

It might not resolve the problem if the scammers manage to crack our general email address format and create their own list, but it will make it harder for them to reach such a wide audience.

I can’t see the problem. Like anything I’m not expecting or looks bogus I just delete them, like I ignore phone calls from numbers I don’t recognise. If they want me specifically they’ll text me.

Doing some fishing of your own now, eh?

A completely irrelevant (and definitely obtuse) change of tack.

Fat thumbs and auto incorrect.

Not really why aren’t people just deleting them? People can send as many of these as they want, the delete icon is there for a reason.
I’ve seen these and just deleted them, as I do for all similar I receive.
I don’t care who, how or why. I used to get bank (not my bank) and paypal emails and I do neither anywhere online and most certainly not within the ATC, they got deleted.

Because not all members of staff are fortunate enough to have even a rudimentary understanding of technology or the ability to recognise scams for what they are.

We need to think of the most vulnerable people in our organisation, not just the average CFAV.


Exactly what I have been saying!