Online Sqn Merchandise

Hi everyone

We’re in the process of wanting to get back in to having Sqn t-shirts amongst other merch. Based on this thread: anyone know of any squadrons that do this?

We want a way of setting up “approved” items, which cadets/parents can privately purchase with our sqn badge on. Initially this would be our sqn t shirts and jumpers (no they won’t conform to the stupid policy in ACP1358, sue me). But eventually we might want to branch out and allow them to buy hats, mugs etc.

I want something that means we don’t handle the cash, but we do select the list of items allowed and give the vendor our approved badge to be able to embroider/stick on things.

Any ideas?

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Shopify? I have no idea on the costs, but I’m pretty sure that’s what they do. You essentially set up a ‘merch store’ with them. Then people make orders direct with Shopify, who deal with it all? I think…

Or maybe Shopify + YourDesign combined?

I think 308 have their own online store.

Another example: 30F City of Llandaff Squadron Air cadets


I keep looking into this every now and then, haven’t quite got everyone onboard with it yet at the squadron.

1367 use ShopKeepEasy for their Web Store. I’ve previously asked them what they think of it and was told:

The ease of letting people select what they want and having it delivered straight to them is so much easier than trying to mass bulk so many sizes and then them sitting around for ages.

Depending on how intricate your crest design is you may possibly encounter a quality issue in the smaller items such as hats but they are more than happy to fix and replace on request.

1927 use MyClothing but I don’t know how they are finding it.

There are other squadrons registered with each service.

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Are we allowed to straight up sell clothing with just the RAFAC logo on? As opposed to unit specific clothing. works pretty much exactly as you described, some Sussex sqns use it


A lot of the military use Moette currently 17 RAFAC Sqns use it:

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Tbis is my go-to for embroidery (better quality than others I’ve found on ebay, etc.)

It happened to include the unit I was looking for and there are several ATC and CCF units listed. I’m not sure how you get new badges added, however.

does this tick your box??

OHM have provided stuff for RIAT volunteers before (ie i have a tshirt through them) - I am certain there was a some kind of password protection on it so only those with the password saw the products and thus could order the tshirts with the logos etc

based on the link above looks like Thames Valley have been busy using them although doesn’t look to be any restriction on buying them…looks like it ticks your boxes?

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