No. 5 Mess Dress

Hi there,

Long time lurker and first time poster… At some point when normality returns there will be the opportunity for annual sqn dinner and Wing nights. I’m looking at getting No.5 Mess Dress but wondered if there are any second hand sources?

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Ebay is normally the best


Hope you find the forum useful.

Second hand is cheapest - I’ve recently bought my own uniform from Turner Virr Uniforium website. It was No.1 as opposed to mess dress, but they were reasonably priced and had no issues - despite the horror stories their customer services were very helpful.

Might be worth a look if you don’t mind buying new.

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If I wanted new this is where I would go, If local to portsmouth/Southampton you can even pop in or fitting

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Certain I saw that WWO Plymouth and Cornwall was advertising No5 Mess Dress - all depends on your size I guess though!

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Did you miss a link here? Or were you seconding Turner Virr?

Seconding, apologies if not clear

Try Ceto Militaria!


got mine from Ceto and had a local tailor do some minor adjustments and a repair (fully described on the Ceto website)

Just had a look seem really reasonably priced too

By the way, these exist now: RAF Air Cadet Collar Badges | Shield Shaped

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I’m sorry £50-£60 for a set of No5’s?!


Where’d you see that?

£4.49 delivery for something that could be posted on a first class stamp!?

Id concur with Ceto Militaria, spoke to them for a set in my not so usual size, I was inormed that there just happened to be Just 1 of that the Very size in his stock and alreadey Badged up with T&L. the bonus was he was also just launching a " Black Weekend" Sale…

Initialy I wasnt too pleased with its packaging (Stuffed in a Plastic Mail Bag") however I was going to have it cleaned on receipt anyway… the item was in immaculate condition and a good fit.

These are also Available from E.C Snaith… Cheaper than CD and £2.99 Postage.

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Yep. But they also appear to be the only people selling them. I can’t quite bring myself to do it yet.

Got mine from Snaiths ages ago - 2 years at least?

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Yes, Snaith had them early on, but I don’t think they advertised them on the website for a long time.

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Didn’t see them on their website when I looked