New Smoking and Drinking Policy

You would hope the “permissible example” is Cosford Air Show as there are plenty of bars there although I wouldn’t attend on duty, the cadets could easily come into contact with other people under the influence

Put a copy of para 9 in your pocket, as it states ‘where possible’ just stick to the tea and bickies and happy days (except for fun police who will be pulling their eyebrows out). :slight_smile:

My thoughts entirely. I’m in favour of the policy, in broad terms, and a sensible approach to exceptions, with prior permission, should be allowed.

You hit nail on head.


Hold the phone, I’ve just spotted an issue.

What about cadets on staff courses at Fairbourne? On Saturday evenings (and maybe Sunday/Friday as well) the only food option available is the local pub on the corner?

As if the new risk averse HQ is going to let kids do AT… Pfft.

The staff will just be told to arrange Dominos with their discount…


You know where Fairbourne is right?

Already been raised in an investigation a few years ago.

Apparently we are all on duty all the time and should never ever go to the pub.

Ah, so HQ has put on meals for those evenings right to negate the need to eat in the pub? Right?


You think they’d look at a map when producing policy?

corrected that for you

I hope to alcohol was being served given our new policy…


Picture 5 in the reel, suspicious wine glass with red wine like substance! :smile:

But nothing to suggest the Cadets were present for that bit :rofl:

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Vimto or Ribena?

Okay, here’s another one. If we can’t have any alcohol at a squadron dinner, what about a quiz night, which is typically BYOB? Same rules where you have to tell everyone attending no alcohol?

I suppose the question is, if an event is organised by the CWC does it count as an external event that we’re attending, or does it count as an event organised by CFAVs? If the former, then anyone can drink, except the cadets them selves and CFAV. If it’s the latter, then no one can drink!

obviously hypothetical and I’ve not just seen something on Instagram…

Why would it be BYOB? Get a TEN and sell it, that’s where the money is made at those sorts of events.

I would argue that if the event is being run by the CWC on Squadron premises that the spirit of the rules (which are poorly thought out) would say no alcohol.

This example would be a quiz night organised by the CWC in a local hall that has more space! As far as I read the new rules, this would still have to be a 0 alcohol event even for guests?

I would say that’s definitely what the rules intend, unless you run it for parents only without any Cadets. (Although how successful that would be is up for question).

If it’s not a squadron activity and the parents have brought their children, then surely it’s upto the parents not the RAFAC,