Exactly it’s not like the old days when you couldn’t get them. Lots of ours choose male trousers over slacks as they fit better.
Absolutely. They should be issued with both. They may well need both.
Guys, does anyone have an update as to wether the same rules apply to men, or male cadets? I assume not unfortunately yet.
They do indeed, the RAFAC has a gender neutral hair policy.
Oh cool! Just wondering, is there any way to grow your hair out while still in the force or I assume you just have to stick with what you have? Do you have any ideas?
Just brief your staff your intentions… And grow it…
You in the Met or something?
We’re actually supposed to call it “the service” now. Official vocab guidelines state that “force” is too aggressive.
Whoops lol. Just cuz I’m still an extremely dodgy seargent.
On his cake day as well!
By the way, our army OC has told us that hair has to be behind the ears. Is this a thing? Idrk because generally the army section don’t have a baldie clue when it comes to anything to do with us.
Yes, it most definitely is, for Army at least.
Hairstyles should not be exaggerated in nature and must be such that all types of military headdress can be worn in the correct manner. Hair should not be visible on the forehead under the brow band of the headdress or cover the ears.
Well I’m in the RAF section, so does this still apply?
Your regulations are in Ap1358C go and have a look
Not the Army Cadet policy, but what does the RAFAC policy say?
Says it’s up to the oc to decide. Still will speak to RAF oc to see what he says. Just wanted to make sure that whatever the RAF do doesn’t have to be reflective of the army is all.
If you’re in the CCF then it’s irrelevant what AP1358c says - school rules will have precedence so it’s what ever the Head decides.
Suppose you can take it up with the SLT /Governors but at end of the day school rules set the limits on the discipline & Standards.
Also the contingent commander could count as your CO in this instance rather than your section commander.
That can’t be true.
School rules can be more prescribed than AP1358c but both set or rules must be complied with.