New MOI Course

Am I looking at something different? The one I’ve just downloaded is already a pptx.

I haven’t studied the content yet but my first impression is one of, by now customary, frustration.
It looks like something you’d be expected to sit through on a corporate training day.
They appear only to have forgotten this crucial image:

Stand by for stereotypical graphic artist brand rant…

Is it really too much to expect that materials supplied by HQ (even though this will have been created by someone else HQ have subsequently supplied it to all) and intended for use within the organisation actually follow the brand guidelines?

Why is everything always so disconnected?
Taking the content of any lesson and presenting it in a compliant and professional-looking manner is about as difficult as putting on a hat!

I uninprisoned my 'think rhino" this morning.
Problem is… I had to shoot it soon after.

Stupid ideas.

Don’t you mean that you unprisoned it?

Poe’s law in action there…

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To be honest, I think this is a step in the right direction. The course itself is designed to actually teach you how to instruct (which I believe it will) and the powerpoint is designed to have plenty of practical activities rather than good ol’ death by ppt. Bear in mind this course can now be delivered to any age, so needs to be suitable for ~14 to 19 year olds.

The message relayed by my WTO is that it was designed by volunteers, some of them being school teachers, college lecturers etc.

Sure, written by volunteers is great but it should have had some oversight by HQ to ensure it met certain standards, brand guidelines, accessible (colour blindness etc)

If the version I’m looking at here is the same as everyone else…

The content may or may not be up to scratch but the presentation is god-awful!
It’s the epitome of death by powerpoint - a tragic overuse of clipart, poor layout, and unnecessary animation.
There does appear to be at least some use of discussion amongst the class, but if it’s going to be a discussion then why is it plastered in great detail on the slide?
Powerpoint, like any visual aid, should support - not lead - your lesson.

To be frank, in this topic probably above all others there is no room for mediocrity.
How can we teach people to be good instructors using something which looks exactly like every other hated and much-ridiculed misuse of Microsoft PowerPoint since 1989?


Are we talking about the MOI or the Presentation Skills Course?

Well I’m looking at MOI - apparently the 2019 version… But as I say earlier - this one was already a pptx and didn’t require “conversion” to be able to edit it as others were discussing; so I’m not at all sure that I’m on the same page as everyone else.

That’s the version I’ve got. It’s awful. The teachers at school laughed when I gave it to them to use. We’re going to use the Army one instead

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I went through the pre MOI presentation skills powerpoint in prep for teaching it next week. Have to say I’m actually really impressed. All relevant, really easy to talk to and naturally givea prompts when to break out tasks.

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This is the new version - same one?

That’s the one i went through

There are 2 things listed
Presentation skills 2019 (137)
New MoI 2019 (138)
which one do you use?
The former is a lot easier to digest and the latter is the epitomy of a “I hope the lunch is good today” corporate training that you are told you have to do.

You do presentation skills first and assess them. then new MOI with two more assessments. They need annual checkups as well.

You’ve been involved in this thread from the start when ACTO 22 was mentioned and even summarised.

You should know this.

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Dont forget the presentation skills requirs 2 assessments with the second on demonstrating taking feedback on board and implementing

Can the new MOI be taught on sqn by sqn staff. Is your wso still the arbiter of a good lesson.

ACTO22 only references one assessment for PS and two for MOI?

MOU can be taught by anyone delegated by the Wing attaining Officer.

I keep making spirited requests through my WSC that this be delegated to Sector Level as my Wing has shown a breathtaking ability to not actually provide any training this year at Wing Level.