New Cadet Flying Badges

The way we award golds in this organisation - across all the subjects - is wildly and idiotically inconsistent.

We can award Gold DofEs at squadron level.

Gold leadership, first aid, or cyber can only come from a residential or lengthy course at corps level (though I appreciate the leadership one may change to Region).

Gold road marching can only be achieved from one event which HQ can still decide to overrule on a whim.

Gold flying comes down to either money or post code lottery.

Completely arbitrary and utterly bonkers.


Actually Gold DofE also comes from a residential, as well as the four other sections :roll_eyes:

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All of which can be arranged and dealt with by a sqn (with suitably qualified pers, of course). Which is my point.

This is right for the Nijmegen specific badge, but since about 2020 gold road marching can be achieved through a number of marches with equivalent difficulty. I’m pretty sure it’s down to your regional road marching officer to decide which events count (without the ACRoMaTI 1 in front of me I’m not 100%), although two of the examples given are Dodentocht and Ijzer. That doesn’t take any weight away from your point though, you still have to go abroad on a residential


Not the residential, this has to be done with people you don’t know, so you can’t do a Squadron Camp etc.

You don’t see a huge number of Squadron run Gold Expeditions either (it does happen but it’s far more likely to be run with other units.)

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Can’t be a sqn camp, but it can still be something arranged by staff on the unit - same for exped (if you have the quals). I’m fortunate, my unit does and we have as many Gold expeds as the rest of our Wing put together.

But anyway, we have wandered far from the thread

Are the new flying badges still going ahead. IBN 29/21 isnt on SharePoint.
The progressive training syllabus dashboard shows the old badges but cadet direct has them avaliable to order.
But confused here!

AP 1358C has (or is) currently been re-written and readied for publishing @AlexCorbin may know more than I :eyes:. However, I believe it will be included…


The “new” flying badges have been issued since start of 2022


Will ask this weekend


@AlexCorbin was there anything to report?

New dress regs were uploaded to iHub Friday last week for publishing so guess its working its way through the system

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Somehow I’ve beaten Alex to this! ACP1358 uploaded to SPOL!

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They stole my beret

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I feel like this update might need a thread of it’s own :rofl:


Today has been hectic…and i got dragged to Ikea. A bit of light reading on the train tomorrow.


Cadet portal shows flying badges in the middle of the patch…ACP1358 confirmed they should be 10mm from the bottom edge not central

Let’s not forget Gold Music for one single event, but only Silver for Grade 8 certificate !!

Not quite mate… Although that is one of the ways of being awarded silver musician, there are also two other ways.

Silver Badges

  1. It is not necessary for a cadet to be in a band to qualify for a ‘silver’ badge – although the assessment route is designed with band members in mind. A cadet may qualify for a ‘silver’ badge in one of three ways:

a. By passing a recognised music board examination at grade 8 in one of the instruments listed in the Table at Annex A. (A copy of the examination certificate is to be forwarded to Wg HQ as evidence of achievement).

b. By (having qualified or subsequently qualifying for the appropriate ‘blue’ badge) performing in a representative capacity at Regional level.

c. By performing, on a regular basis, in a band or other ensemble graded as “silver”.


I think it is fair to have the gold badge require you to do something through RAFAC, even if musically it might be at a lower level than silver.

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Just throwing this out there, if you’re now a uniformed CFAV, and you completed going solo in a gliding scholarship with the RAFAC when they were a cadet. Are they enntitled to wear the gliding/flying badge in the left chest, as shown in the above IBN?

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