New CAC Announced

well at least he’s got the pretence of trying :smile:

In all seriousness, fingers crossed for his sake, because if on here is anything to go by he has a lot of very upset Staff and Volunteers to placate.


Maybe placate is the wrong word, maybe he needs to be brutally honest about the direction and funding of the RAFAC and remember he is constrained by OC 22 Group on what he can do. By asking CFAVs on the units what needs to be done, without the filter of higher CFAV and HQAC management, maybe a good start, possibly uses his CoS to run the office and take time to get out of the office and visit AEFs, VGSs and units.


I think, fundamentally, that either HQAC/22Gp give us loads more stuff - flying, camps etc… or they have to release the toddler reins, and let us do stuff on a local level.

Sadly, they’ve got no stuff to give, and no appetite to dismantle the barriers that they have put in place to allow us to get on without their assistance.

I’m just seeing people ‘quietly quitting’ - just turning up to less, not putting as much energy into either what they do, or in overcoming obstacles that get in the way. People not extending their appointments - and, bluntly, just grasping any old excuse to get out of the drudgery.

I’m the same.


I imagine this would go a long way, particularly in Southwest.

The danger with brutally honest is it’ll quite possibly wreck what’s left of any morale amongst RAFAC. I understand the need to deliver a level of clarity and be frank to cadets and staff alike about what can and cannot be delivered, but he’s got to tread a fine line. Though I’m sure that’s what you intend.

Hell, I mean in some instances giving us flying at all would be nice. I know they’re constrained by what third parties deliver, but if they are unable to deliver (and that would appear to be the case) then certain other people ahem OC 22Grp need to realise that it is far better to be honest and admit you’re failing, rather than point blank deny anything is wrong.
To be clear, that’s not what he’s done (to my knowledge, though given what’s just emerged with FOIs and things not actually being released when they exist, i’ll hold my breath), but giving RAFAC as a whole a bit of leeway to conduct flying and gliding outside of AEFs would help no end.

And while it’s probably too late to revive JL, ACLC, and the like (lost skillset, and so on) it would be nice to see it make a return in another format, with the fun bits and bobs (1.5 mile run at the start, teambuilding exercises with an element of risk/reward, and so on) included.

While I didn’t see that on a major scale (though I saw a TEST SNCO pretty much go “I’ve had enough” and stop turning up. CCF experience :+1:), it is definitely wearing to hear as a cadet that another camp has been axed, so and so AEF flight planned got scrubbed (for the metaphorical 273rd time), and (obvious, noticeable) steps to… well, ensure that that doesn’t happen would be a very good countermeasure against “quiet quitters”

Heck, we have a gliding club that’s less than 5 miles from us, could we not use that?

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42 posts were merged into an existing topic: Flying slots

When did we half cuban away from the CAC topic over here?

I appreciate the discourse is of a passionate topic, but it’s not the title of this one.

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seems to be ticking lots of "positive boxes there for me

on SM, but not “over doing it” with a weekly round up.
being seen with Cadets
the Cadets happy to be seen with him
good mix of “work” and “play” (ie doing the “9-5” while also getting out and about)

long may this approach continue


Seems a nice change :rofl:

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